不同食譜比較 Comparison:
我覺得這個麵團並不是一般想像中的「麵團」,說是「麵糊」還比較恰當。稍微算一下就會發現它的含水量超過 100%。烘焙時其中重要的一環就是比例了吧!不同的麵粉液體比例,就創造出數不清的烘焙品種類,更不用說再加上油脂、糖分、穀物、堅果、種子、香料、蛋、甚至蔬菜水果等其他材料了。這也是烘焙讓我著迷之處,千變萬化呀!
This is what people are talking about, almost. "Nooks and crannies," those little holes that are supposed to pool melted butter. Yum!
The dough is not really a dough as you think, I'll say. It's more batter than bread dough. If you do the math you'll find it over 100% hydration. It's always about the ratio. With different ratios of flour to liquid, numerous types of baking goods are created. Not to mention other ingredients like fat, sweeteners, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, eggs, and even fruits and vegetables. I found that the most enjoyable part of baking, endless possibilities.
So with a batter kind of dough, metal rings are suggested. I tempted to do it with DIY rings made from paper and foil, but that was too soft for this recipe. So I got myself some real metal rings, thinking about versatile uses like making hamburger buns and large biscuit. If you don't have rings and don't want to get some, tuna cans (with both ends removed) and wide-mouth canning rings are also suggested as you can see on the internet.
Oh and the results? Yes, there are the most wanted nooks and crannies. But I found it somehow too yeasty and also too "rich." Next time I'll try another recipe using less yeast and simply water rather than milk.
塗上奶油 | With butter! |
- 熱牛奶 1 杯
- 鹽 1/2 小匙
- 糖 1 大匙
- 無鹽奶油 1 大匙
- 乾酵母 2 1/4 小匙(1小包)
- 糖 1/8 小匙
- 溫牛奶 1/3 杯
- 中筋麵粉 2 杯
- 鹽 1/2 小匙
- 液態植物油 適量,塗模具用
- 直徑 3 1/2吋金屬圓圈模 數個
- 將熱牛奶、鹽 1/2 小匙、糖 1 大匙、奶油混合,攪拌均勻讓鹽和糖溶解。放涼。
- 乾酵母和糖 1/8 小匙加入溫牛奶攪勻。
- 步驟 1放涼後加入步驟 2,加入麵粉拌勻成麵糊。
- 加蓋靜置室溫 45-60分鐘。加入剩餘的 1/2 小匙鹽,拌勻。
- 平底鍋加熱,圓圈模塗上薄薄一層油脂,放入鍋中。
- 用 1/4 杯的量杯,舀滿滿 1/4 杯的麵糊到每個模具中。鍋蓋蓋上,中火到中小火加熱 8分鐘。用夾子翻面,蓋上鍋蓋再煎 8分鐘。
- 煎好的瑪芬移到架上、將模具移除,瑪芬放涼。繼續煎剩下的麵糊。
- 用叉子將瑪芬分開,不要用麵包刀,才能保留那些最美味的坑洞!
English Muffins (8-10 muffins)
- milk 1 cup, hot
- salt 1/2 teaspoon
- sugar 1 Tablespoon
- butter 1 Tablespoon
- active dry yeast 2 1/4 teaspoons (1 envelope)
- sugar 1/8 teaspoon
- milk 1/3 cup, warm
- all-purpose flour 2 cups
- salt 1/2 teaspoon
- vegetable oil for greasing rings
- 3 1/2-inch metal rings
- Mix hot milk 1 cup, salt 1/2 teaspoon, sugar 1 Tablespoon, and butter. Stir until salt and sugar are dissolved. Set aside to cool.
- Dissolve yeast and sugar 1/8 teaspoon in warm milk.
- Make sure the butter-milk mixture is cool enough and add it to the yeast-milk. Add flour and stir to form a batter-like dough.
- Cover and let it rise for 45-60 minutes. After rising, add the remaining 1/2 teaspoon of salt and mix well.
- Heat a pan on medium. Lightly grease the metal rings and put them in the pan.
- Use a 1/4 cup to scoop generously 1/4 cup of batter into each ring. Cover and cook on medium to medium-low for 8 minutes. Flip using tongs, cover keep cooking for anther 8 minutes.
- Place muffins on a rack, remove the rings and let cool. Repeat with remaining batter.
- Split with fork so you can keep those "nooks and crannies!"
塗了奶油再加蜂蜜也很美味 | Butter and honey? Nom nom... |
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