
糯米麻糬吐司 Sticky Rice Mochi Sandwich Loaf

冬至,一年中白天最短的一天,習俗上在這天要吃湯圓,兩歲多的兒子自從夏天在花蓮吃過麻糬之後就很喜歡那種 QQ的口感,冬至家裡煮包餡甜湯圓,切小塊給他自己舀著吃,他也是非常喜歡呢!要是午睡前跟他預告睡起來點心是「麻糬做的湯圓」,他會在爸媽輕聲叫他起床那一瞬間彈起來、一邊說「馬吉、馬吉!」


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夏威夷麵包免揉版 No-Knead Hawaiian Rolls

提高麵團含水量,製作出口感更軟的麵包;不想揉濕黏的麵團,那就用免揉的做法拉長時間來製作。這個配方同時調整份量,將之前可做出 15顆大餐包的份量改為 12顆小餐包。

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夏威夷麵包及吐司(仿作食譜) Hawaiian Rolls & Loaf (copycat)


初次認識這款麵包,是先在網路上看到好多仿作食譜,就好奇那是什麼麵包這麼受歡迎,但也一直沒有去找來吃過。直到今年春天一次朋友邀約去露營,朋友帶了一大包 King's Hawaiian Rolls,才真正吃到這款柔軟香甜的小麵包。

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布里歐吐司 Brioche Loaf

布里歐 Brioche是一款高奶油含量的法式麵包,奶油的含量差不多能和可頌比擬了,但不像可頌是麵團和奶油層層堆疊、做法耗時繁複,布里歐的奶油是融入麵團,烤出細緻鬆軟的奶蛋吐司。


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自製薑蜜 Homemade Ginger Syrup


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香腸肉雜煮湯 Sausage & Everything Soup

這鍋湯說起來其實也沒有什麼一定的食譜,掌握了基本的概念,冰箱裡、櫥櫃裡幾乎任何食材都可以拿來用,總之是道非常適合秋冬的總匯湯品,而且只需要用到一刀一砧板、一大湯鍋,刀法快的話 30分鐘內就可以上桌。

To be honest, there's no exact recipe for this soup. Once you got the idea, almost anything in the fridge and pantry can be added. This is a soup for autumn and winter. And all the tools you'll need are a knife, a cutting board, and a pot. If you work pretty fast, it can be done in 30 minutes!

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南瓜肉醬義大利麵 Butternut Squash Pasta

秋分:今年的秋分在 9月 22日加州時間 7:29PM,也就是秋天來了


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奶油包裝紙妙用 Reuse Butter Wrappers

過去的我用完條狀奶油之後總是順手把油油的包裝紙丟掉,直到看到 The Kitchn這篇文章的介紹,就開始了儲存奶油包裝紙的習慣...因為其中一項妙用,正好解決了我一向不太喜歡的一個小問題啊!

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糖漬核桃 Candied Walnuts

起因是搬了家在整理東西,把 Costco的半袋核桃補充進罐子裡,就剩下這麼一把放不下了,乾脆烤來當零嘴吃。

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脆皮燒肉 Crispy Roast Pork Belly


Having this in a Hong Kong restaurant makes me happy every time. Not greasy and the pork skin is so crunchy that you won't be able to put your chopsticks down until it's finished. I'll say it can be a main dish on dining table, and the how-to will surprise you, in a good way -- it's so easy and seems foolproof!

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英式瑪芬麵包 English Muffins (Frances Quinn's Recipe)

我非常愛英式瑪芬麵包,之前試過兩種配方,初步明白了那些美味口感的來源--坑坑洞洞的秘密在於含水量超高近乎 100%的糊狀麵團。這場自製英式瑪芬的摸索之旅還會繼續,我心裡已有個不同想法,下回可以嘗試。

English muffins have been one of my favorite breads. I had tried 2 different recipes before and understood that the secret of nooks and crannies lies in a almost 100%-hydration batter-like dough. This journey will be continued as I already have a new idea to try next time.

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免揉比薩麵團 No-Knead Pizza Dough


Measure and mix all the ingredients after dinner, leave it on the counter, and put it into fridge before bed. The next day you'll have a beautiful pizza dough. You can make it classic, copy your favorite pizzeria, or top with whatever appeals to you. Pizza is something you can easily make and everyone in the house will love.

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檸檬杏仁餅乾 Lemon Almond Cookies


Easy roll rookies, I guess it would also be scrumptious if you replace the lemon with orange.

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私房番茄肉醬 Tomato Sauce (my way)



Well... it's kinda embarrassing to post this. But after all this blog is mostly my cooking records, I have to type it and post it, the first time having satisfying result using canned tomatoes.

Everyone has their own recipe, this is my version, a light tomato meat sauce.

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伯爵奶茶吐司 Earl Grey Milk Tea Bread


Infuse tea leaves in scalded milk, let it cool and make into bread dough. My house smelt like an afternoon tea when the bread was baking.

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廚房女神奈潔拉:義大利式大盤烤 Nigellissima: Italian Traybake


Put everything in a baking pan, sprinkle and drizzle with condiments, send it into a preheated oven. Then next, all you need to do is just waiting for the timer to go off, set the table, and be ready to enjoy. Such an easy and elegant way to cook a hearty meal, it must be a keeper!

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廚房女神奈潔拉:優格圓蛋糕 Nigellissima: Yogurt Pot Cake

想做這顆蛋糕已經有一陣子了,為了它,冰箱裡總是囤著幾罐優格;也因為這樣,最近愛上原味優格加上 granola cereal(燕麥穀片,可以當早餐吃的那種),再淋上蜂蜜或是楓糖,是我運動過後、或是下午的優質點心。


This cake had been on my to-do list for a while. There are always a few cups of yogurt in my fridge just in case I need it at anytime. And thank to that, I fall in love with yogurt topped with granola cereal and swirled with honey or maple syrup.

Nigella made this recipe quite friendly: familiar daily ingredients, simple and straight-forward steps, and it seems a classic!

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英式瑪芬麵包 English Muffins (Alton Brown's Recipe)

不同食譜比較 Comparison: 


我覺得這個麵團並不是一般想像中的「麵團」,說是「麵糊」還比較恰當。稍微算一下就會發現它的含水量超過 100%。烘焙時其中重要的一環就是比例了吧!不同的麵粉液體比例,就創造出數不清的烘焙品種類,更不用說再加上油脂、糖分、穀物、堅果、種子、香料、蛋、甚至蔬菜水果等其他材料了。這也是烘焙讓我著迷之處,千變萬化呀!



This is what people are talking about, almost. "Nooks and crannies," those little holes that are supposed to pool melted butter. Yum!

The dough is not really a dough as you think, I'll say. It's more batter than bread dough. If you do the math you'll find it over 100% hydration. It's always about the ratio. With different ratios of flour to liquid, numerous types of baking goods are created. Not to mention other ingredients like fat, sweeteners, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, eggs, and even fruits and vegetables. I found that the most enjoyable part of baking, endless possibilities.

So with a batter kind of dough, metal rings are suggested. I tempted to do it with DIY rings made from paper and foil, but that was too soft for this recipe. So I got myself some real metal rings, thinking about versatile uses like making hamburger buns and large biscuit. If you don't have rings and don't want to get some, tuna cans (with both ends removed) and wide-mouth canning rings are also suggested as you can see on the internet.

Oh and the results? Yes, there are the most wanted nooks and crannies. But I found it somehow too yeasty and also too "rich." Next time I'll try another recipe using less yeast and simply water rather than milk.

塗上奶油 | With butter!


  • 熱牛奶 1 杯
  • 鹽 1/2 小匙
  • 糖 1 大匙
  • 無鹽奶油 1 大匙
  • 乾酵母 2 1/4 小匙(1小包)
  • 糖 1/8 小匙
  • 溫牛奶 1/3 杯
  • 中筋麵粉 2 杯
  • 鹽 1/2 小匙
  • 液態植物油 適量,塗模具用
  • 直徑 3 1/2吋金屬圓圈模 數個

  1. 將熱牛奶、鹽 1/2 小匙、糖 1 大匙、奶油混合,攪拌均勻讓鹽和糖溶解。放涼。
  2. 乾酵母和糖 1/8 小匙加入溫牛奶攪勻。
  3. 步驟 1放涼後加入步驟 2,加入麵粉拌勻成麵糊。
  4. 加蓋靜置室溫 45-60分鐘。加入剩餘的 1/2 小匙鹽,拌勻。
  5. 平底鍋加熱,圓圈模塗上薄薄一層油脂,放入鍋中。
  6. 用 1/4 杯的量杯,舀滿滿 1/4 杯的麵糊到每個模具中。鍋蓋蓋上,中火到中小火加熱 8分鐘。用夾子翻面,蓋上鍋蓋再煎 8分鐘。 
  7. 煎好的瑪芬移到架上、將模具移除,瑪芬放涼。繼續煎剩下的麵糊。
  8. 用叉子將瑪芬分開,不要用麵包刀,才能保留那些最美味的坑洞!

English Muffins (8-10 muffins)

  • milk 1 cup, hot
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • sugar 1 Tablespoon
  • butter 1 Tablespoon
  • active dry yeast 2 1/4 teaspoons (1 envelope)
  • sugar 1/8 teaspoon
  • milk 1/3 cup, warm
  • all-purpose flour 2 cups
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for greasing rings
  • 3 1/2-inch metal rings

  1. Mix hot milk 1 cup, salt 1/2 teaspoon, sugar 1 Tablespoon, and butter. Stir until salt and sugar are dissolved. Set aside to cool.
  2. Dissolve yeast and sugar 1/8 teaspoon in warm milk.
  3. Make sure the butter-milk mixture is cool enough and add it to the yeast-milk. Add flour and stir to form a batter-like dough.
  4. Cover and let it rise for 45-60 minutes. After rising, add the remaining 1/2 teaspoon of salt and mix well.
  5. Heat a pan on medium. Lightly grease the metal rings and put them in the pan.
  6. Use a 1/4 cup to scoop generously 1/4 cup of batter into each ring. Cover and cook on medium to medium-low for 8 minutes. Flip using tongs, cover keep cooking for anther 8 minutes.
  7. Place muffins on a rack, remove the rings and let cool. Repeat with remaining batter.
  8. Split with fork so you can keep those "nooks and crannies!"

塗了奶油再加蜂蜜也很美味 | Butter and honey? Nom nom...

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英式瑪芬麵包 English Muffins (Peter Reinhart's Recipe)

不同食譜比較 Comparison: 



Well, I'm not satisfied with this recipe. It makes bread-like english muffins. But in my opinion, english muffins should have crisp crust and chewy crumb. All those "nooks and crannies," where are they?

I'm experimenting with other recipes and will post when I have good results.

手邊沒有玉米碎粒,用麥麩也是可以啦 | I didn't have cornmeal, so used wheat bran instead.

修改自 Peter Reinhart在 The Bread Baker's Apprentice當中的食譜

  • 高筋麵粉 2 1/4杯
  • 糖 1/2大匙
  • 鹽 3/4小匙
  • 乾酵母 1 7/8小匙
  • 無鹽奶油 1大匙
  • 牛奶 210ml + 醋 30ml
  • 玉米碎粒

  1. 麵團揉好之後第一次發酵 90分鐘,然後分成 6-8塊。
  2. 滾圓後稍微壓扁,兩面粘上玉米碎粒,放烤盤上二次發酵 90分鐘。
  3. 烤箱預熱 350F/175C。在爐子上以平底鍋中火兩面各乾煎 5-8分鐘,送入烤箱再烤 5-8分鐘。

English Muffins (makes 6-8 muffins)
Adapted from Peter Reinhart's recipe in The Bread Baker's Apprentice

  • bread flour 2 1/4 cups
  • sugar 1/2 Tablespoon
  • salt 3/4 teaspoon
  • active dry yeast 1 7/8 teaspoons
  • butter 1 Tablespoon
  • milk 7 ounces + vinegar 1 ounce
  • cornmeal for dusting

Summarized Directions:
  1. After kneading and a 90-minute rise, divide the dough into 6-8.
  2. Shape into rolls and press a little. Roll with cornmeal on both sides and let the doughs rest on baking sheet for 90 minutes.
  3. Preheat oven at 350F/175C. Cook the dough in a pan on stovetop for 5-8 minutes each side. Bake immediately in the oven for another 5-8 minutes.

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蘋果紅棗雞湯 Chicken Soup with Apple & Jujube


一開始是因為 KT在這道菜名上加了「美容」兩字,又有「蘋果」、「紅」棗等字眼,讓人直覺想到白裡透紅的好氣色,所以就有這麼個印象擱在心上;後來某次買到兩顆不好吃的蘋果,偏乾澀、缺少香氣,乾脆拿來入菜好了。



My husband literally eats everything I cook. This soup is something he'll suggest when I want to make chicken soup. The original recipe is from KT (in Chinese.)

KT named it with keywords like "good to skin beauty," so it got my attention. Then there was a time we got 2 apples which were not that good, kind of dry, lack of fragrance. So I used them in cooking.

Wow, amazing!

If using pre-cut chicken, this soup can be done in an hour. It is so delicious that my husband thinks it could be on Chinese New Year's table.


  • 雞 半隻,切塊(不切也行啦)
  • 蘋果 1 顆,去皮去核切大塊
  • 紅棗 7-8 顆
  • 薑片 3-5 片
  • 米酒 2-3 大匙
  • 水 適量,蓋過食材就好
  • 鹽 適量

  1. 雞肉放入冷水鍋中,大火加熱到剛好滾,離火倒掉濁水,在流動清水下將雞肉表面沖洗乾淨。
  2. 雞肉放回鍋中,放入蘋果、紅棗、薑片,加入米酒,倒入蓋過食材的冷水,加蓋大火加熱到滾。
  3. 水滾之後維持在大滾的狀態 40分鐘,可適當調整火候以免湯水溢出,有需要時開蓋撈掉浮沫。
  4. 40分鐘後轉成中小火續煮 20分鐘,煮好後加入適量的鹽調味即可。

Chicken Soup with Apple & Jujube
Adapted from KT's blog

  • half chicken
  • apple 1, peel, core, and cut into chunks
  • dried jujube 7-8
  • fresh ginger root 3-5 slices
  • rice wine 2-3 Tablespoons
  • water
  • salt to taste

  1. In a stock pot filled with cold water, put chicken in, and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour away the water and wash the chicken under running water. By doing so the soup will be clearer.
  2. In the same pot, put in chicken, apple, jujubes , ginger slices, add rice wine, then add water to just above all the ingredients. Cover and bring to a boil on high.
  3. Keep the soup at a rapid boil for 40 minutes. Adjust heat if need to avoid a boil over. Skim the scum as needed.
  4. After 40-minute boil, lower the heat to medium-low and simmer for another 20 minutes. Season with salt to taste.

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鹹蛋糕 Savory Steamed Cake


蒸的鹹蛋糕做法很簡單,配料可以千變萬化。我看過有用肉臊、油蔥酥、起司、各種蔬菜、培根... 可以好好運用想像力!



In Taiwan, people love food tastes savory and sweet at the same time. Just like you'll find sugar in most Chinese recipes, especially along with soy sauce. 

This steamed cake is easy to make, and I believe there are infinite variations -- you can put whatever toppings you like. I've seen recipes with Taiwanese minced pork, fried shallots, cheese, vegetables, bacon... Can't wait to try them!

This time I put green onion and pork sung, also grated carrot for my toddler (since I don't want him to eat pork sung, which is processed.)

I'm not sure if this is what the Japanese say "umami." Can we just eat without tempting to find out the exact answer?

沒有肉鬆的這邊是兒子的紅蘿蔔口味 | The one-third without pork sung is for my toddler.

鹹蛋糕(12兩土司模或是 8吋圓模)

  • 雞蛋 4顆,室溫
  • 糖 120 克
  • 低筋麵粉 140 克(或是中筋麵粉 122 克+玉米粉/太白粉 18 克)
  • 鹽 2 克
  • 泡打粉 3 克(可省略)
  • 配料(蔥 3支切碎、肉鬆、紅蘿蔔絲、芝麻、鹽)

  1. 準備好蒸籠,裝水加熱到溫溫的。模具塗油或是鋪上烘焙紙。
  2. 麵粉、鹽、泡打粉一起過篩。
  3. 取一個大碗將雞蛋和 1/3的糖打散,繼續分次加入剩餘的糖並高速打發,直到攪拌器舉起麵糊滴下有明顯的褶子,體積增為三倍大,而且顏色泛白。
  4. 蒸籠水再次加熱。
  5. 加入 1/3的麵粉,輕輕大動作拌勻,重複此步驟拌入所有的麵粉。
  6. 將一半的麵糊倒入烤模,放入蒸籠用中大火蒸 10分鐘。
  7. 蛋糕在蒸的同時準備配料,將蔥花、紅蘿蔔、芝麻和少許油、鹽拌勻,肉鬆準備好在一旁。
  8. 輕輕將一半的配料鋪到蛋糕上,倒入剩餘的麵糊,再把另一半配料輕輕鋪在最上面。
  9. 同樣以中大火繼續蒸 20分鐘。
  10. 將蛋糕從蒸籠中取出,在模具中靜置 10分鐘再脫模,完全放涼。

Savory Steamed Cake (a 9x5 loaf or 8" round cake)

  • eggs 4, at room temperature
  • sugar 120 g
  • cake flour 140 g (or all-purpose flour 122 g + cornstarch 18 g)
  • salt 2 g
  • baking powder 3 g (optional)
  • toppings (green onion 3 stalks chopped, pork sung, grated carrot, sesame seeds, salt.)

  1. Prepare a steamer with water. Heat the water to warm. Grease or line a loaf pan or cake pan.
  2. Sift flour, salt, baking powder together.
  3. In a large mixing bowl beat the eggs with 1/3 of the sugar until bubbly. Keep beating on high and gradually add the remaining sugar. Beat until the ribbons, triple in volume and pale.
  4. Heat the steamer to bring to a boil.
  5. Gently fold in 1/3 of the flour into egg mixture. Repeat to fold all the remaining flour in.
  6. Pour half the cake batter into the pan. Steam on medium-high for 10 minutes.
  7. While the cake is being steamed, prepare the toppings. Mix green onion, carrot, and sesame with a little oil and salt. Have the pork sung nearby.
  8. Gently spread half the toppings onto the steamed cake. Pour the remaining batter, and top with the remaining toppings.
  9. Steam for another 20 minutes on medium-high.
  10. Let the cake cool in its pan for 10 minutes before unmold and let cool completely.

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廚房女神奈潔拉:烤菠菜,瑞可達起司和肉豆蔻 Nigellissima: Spinach Baked with Ricotta & Nutmeg



I'm trying to get myself and my family eat more vegetables recently. But I'm not familiar with different cooking method other than Chinese stir-fry. So when I read this recipe in the book, I listed it as recipes-to-try.

And I'm not letting myself shy away from trying a new recipe just because the lack of some ingredients. Just get them or find substitutes (but don't expect the very same results.) In this case, I got to know ricotta cheese.

Easy, tasty, and pretty!! A keeper.

修改自奈潔拉的食譜:廚房女神奈潔拉 義式美味快速上桌 p.115

  • 橄欖油 1大匙
  • 大蒜 1瓣,切碎或壓成泥
  • 嫩菠菜和其他綜合葉菜 150克
  • 蘆筍 150克,去硬皮,切成一口大小
  • 苦艾酒 2大匙
  • 帕馬森起司 3大匙
  • 瑞可達起司 2大匙
  • 鹽、胡椒 適量
  • 肉豆蔻粉 適量
  • 雞蛋 2顆,打散

  1. 烤箱預熱 400F/200C。烤盤抹油。
  2. 在爐子上加熱橄欖油、蒜末,葉菜和蘆筍入鍋炒到軟。
  3. 加入苦艾酒,繼續拌炒到葉菜縮小。關火。
  4. 拌入所有其他材料,倒入烤盤、送入烤箱烤 10分鐘。
  5. 靜置 5分鐘再享用。

Spinach Baked with Ricotta & Nutmeg
Adapted from Nigella's recipe in Nigellissima: Instant Italian Inspiration

  • olive oil 1 Tablespoon
  • garlic 1 clove, minced
  • baby spinach and mixed greens 150 g
  • tender asparagus 150 g, peel and cut into bite size.
  • dry vermouth 2 Tablespoons
  • grated parmesan 3 Tablespoons
  • ricotta cheese 2 Tablespoons
  • salt & pepper
  • ground nutmeg
  • eggs 2, beaten

  1. Preheat the oven to 400F/200C. Grease a baking pan.
  2. Heat the oil and garlic on stovetop, then stir-fry the greens and asparagus until they softened.
  3. Add the vermouth. Keep stir-frying until the vegetables shrink. Remove from heat.
  4. Add all the other ingredients. Pour into the baking pan and bake for 10 minutes.
  5. Let it sit for 5 minutes before serving.

Served with some campanlle, this is our lunch loaded with vegetables!

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