我非常愛英式瑪芬麵包,之前試過兩種配方,初步明白了那些美味口感的來源--坑坑洞洞的秘密在於含水量超高近乎 100%的糊狀麵團。這場自製英式瑪芬的摸索之旅還會繼續,我心裡已有個不同想法,下回可以嘗試。
English muffins have been one of my favorite breads. I had tried 2 different recipes before and understood that the secret of nooks and crannies lies in a almost 100%-hydration batter-like dough. This journey will be continued as I already have a new idea to try next time.
之前試過 Peter Reinhart的做法,成果只能說是用鍋子乾煎的一般麵包;後來也試了網路上很熱門的 Alton Brown版本,才知道那麵團必須要濕到跟糊一樣。這回我做了 Facebook上麵包烘焙社團成員 Frances Quinn的食譜,跟 Alton Brown的類似,但最大的不同是酵母的量、以及用牛奶或是用水的差別。
我沒有按照 Frances列出的做法去做,而是採用 Alton Brown的操作方式,用量杯將麵糊舀進鍋中乾煎,也因此省略了第二次發酵。而且我也省略了粗粒玉米粉 cornmeal。
I had tried Peter Reinhart's recipe, the result was just like pan-fried normal bread. Then I tried Alton Brown's version which is popular on the internet, so I knew it has to be a batter-like dough. This time I'm using Frances Quinn's recipe. She is a member of Bread Baking Group on Facebook. Her recipe is similar to Alton Brown's but the amount of yeast is different, also she uses water instead of milk.
I didn't make it exactly the same as the instructions Quinn listed, but used Alton Brown's technique: scoop the batter into pan. The 2nd rise was skipped. And I also left out cornmeal.
Result: I love the crust. Think it would be awesome if heated to golden brown before eating, and slathered with butter or preserves. And I found it a bit salty.
Frances Quinn的食譜 Frances Quinn's recipe. |
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左:Peter Reinhart的食譜;右:Alton Brown的食譜。 Left: Peter Reinhart's recipe. Right: Alton Brown's recipe. |
修改自 Facebook Bread Baking Group成員 Frances Quinn的食譜
- 乾酵母 4-5克
- 溫水 237克(1杯)
- 中筋麵粉 250克(2杯)
- 糖 4克
- 鹽 6克
- 無鹽奶油 14克(1大匙)融化備用
- 液態植物油 適量,塗模具用
- 直徑 3 1/2吋金屬圓圈模 數個
- 將酵母、水、麵粉、糖、鹽混合,攪拌成團,加入奶油繼續大力攪拌直到糊狀麵團表面細緻光滑。輕輕加蓋,室溫發酵 2小時。
- 平底鍋加熱,圓圈模塗上薄薄一層植物油,放入鍋中。將 1/4 杯的量杯內部也塗上一層植物油。
- 用量杯以及刮刀輔助,舀滿滿 1/4 杯的麵糊到圓圈模中。鍋蓋蓋上,中火加熱 8分鐘。用夾子翻面,蓋上鍋蓋再煎 8分鐘。
- 煎好的瑪芬移到架上、將模具移除,瑪芬放涼。繼續煎剩下的麵糊。
- 用叉子將瑪芬分開,不要用麵包刀,才能保留那些最美味的坑洞!
English Muffins (7-8 muffins)
Adapted from Facebook Bread Baking Group member Frances Quinn
- active dry yeast 4-5 g
- warm water 237 g (1 cup)
- all-purpose flour 250 g (2 cups)
- sugar 4 g
- salt 6 g
- butter 14 g (1 Tablespoon) melted
- vegetable oil, to grease the rings and measuring cup.
- 3 1/2-inch metal rings
- Mix yeast, water, flour, sugar, and salt to form a dough. Add butter and beat vigorously until dough is smooth. Cover and let it rise at room temperature for 2 hours.
- Heat a pan on medium. Grease metal rings and put in pan. Grease a 1/4-cup measuring cup.
- Using measuring cup and spatula, scoop 1/4 cup of batter into each ring. Cover and cook on medium to medium-low for 8 minutes. Flip using tongs, cover keep cooking for anther 8 minutes.
- Place muffins on a rack, remove the rings and let cool. Repeat with remaining batter.
- Split with fork so you can keep those "nooks and crannies!"