I got a potted rosemary on my balcony 2 weeks ago, since then I've been thinking about making a dish with rosemary and chicken thigh, trying to find an opportunity to use my herb.
This recipe is from Minimally Invasive (I like the subheading "a little bite won't kill you...") Please click on it to get the recipe. Here below I'll only list it in Chinese.
I love the fragrant smell in the house when roasting it. And it's yummy!! So simple, so delicious.
A little tip to share: Before squeeze lemon juice, put whole lemon in microwave oven for 10 sec. Slice in half, squeeze with cut side against your palm. The seeds will be in your hand.
原始的食譜來自 Minimally Invasive(網站副標題「小小一口不會害死你...」實在很有趣味),以下我以中文列出食譜。
小撇步分享:擠檸檬汁之前,將整顆檸檬放入微波爐微波 10秒鐘,取出切對半,切面朝手心握著擠汁,檸檬籽就會留在手心裡喔!
- 迷迭香 2枝 + 葉子 1 1/2大匙
- 蒜頭 2 大瓣,拍扁或壓成泥都可以
- 乾燥紅辣椒片 適量(就是吃比薩會附的那種,red pepper flakes)
- 檸檬 2顆
- 初榨橄欖油 2 大匙
- 雞大腿肉 4-6塊(原食譜是帶皮帶骨,我用去皮去骨)
- 紅皮馬鈴薯 3/4 磅,小顆對半切,稍大顆的切 4塊
- 鹽巴 適量
- 褐色蘑菇(crimini mushrooms)8-10 oz,切成適當大小
- 前一晚先醃雞肉:將迷迭香葉 1 1/2大匙、蒜頭、紅辣椒片、鹽 2小匙放在砧板上一同切碎混合,放入醃肉的容器中,擠入 1顆檸檬的汁,加入橄欖油,將雞肉逐塊放入、兩面都沾上醬汁,然後連同擠過汁的檸檬一起放冰箱隔夜。
- 烤箱預熱 450F/230C。將馬鈴薯放入加了些許鹽的冷水煮開到軟,大約中大火 8分鐘,水分瀝乾。
- 熱一個平底鍋,將雞腿肉放入,加蓋以中大火煎 5分鐘上色(若是帶皮的,就皮朝下煎)。
- 在烤盤中放入馬鈴薯、蘑菇,將雞肉鋪在上面,倒入醃肉的醬汁,擠進另一顆檸檬的汁液,把檸檬也都放上去,放上 2枝迷迭香(我家的迷迭香剪下來短短的,所以我用 6短枝),放入預熱好的烤箱烤 20-25分鐘。
I didn't really mince and mash them. Still worked great. | 我沒有把醃料切很細碎,一樣很入味。 |