Whole wheat is good for health, but sometimes I just want white bread. Like this milk bread.
Simplest food can be the most comforting.
I use half and half to make this loaf. I wasn't sure how much water content does half & half have. After reading some recipes and doing math, I guess it is 82-85% or so. Therefore 260 grams of half & half may sound much, but actually this bread has about 60% hydration. (Sandwich bread usually uses 57%-65% hydration.) Also half & half has a higher content of fat than milk, so I don't put much oil here.
我用一半牛奶、一半鮮奶油的 half and half來製作這條吐司。起初我並不確定 half and half的水分含量有多少,後來看了幾份食譜、做了一些試算之後,我想應該是 82%-85%的含水量吧。因此這裡用的 260克 half and half看似滿多的,其實這條麵包的配方含水量約 60%。(一般吐司麵包的含水量約是 57%-65%)而且 half and half的乳脂含量比牛奶還要高,所以配方中油脂的量也沒有特別增加。
It is soft and tasty. I sliced it after dinner and my husband protested because it smelt oh so good and he's so full. My little boy ate almost a slice, after dinner!
Milk Bread Loaf (9x4x4 Pullman pan)
- half & half 260 g
- active dry yeast 7 g (2 1/4 tsp)
- sugar 20 g
- salt 5 g
- olive oil 20 g
- all-purpose flour 370 g
- In a mug microwave half & half 240g to 110-115F, pour into mixing bowl. Dissolve yeast and sugar, and let it sit for a few minutes until foamy. Set remaining half & half 20g aside for later use.
- Add salt, oil, and flour. Mix with a wooden spoon.
- When all the ingredients are well combined, gradually add remaining 20g of half & half. When all the liquid is absorbed and dough not so sticky anymore, turn it onto floured table to knead until smooth, soft, and elastic.
- Slightly grease the container, put the dough in. Spray with some water. Put it into an oven which is preheated for 1 min. Let it rise for 1 hr. (I didn't cover it but put a mug of hot water next to it.)
- Scrap the dough onto a floured surface. Punch down large bubbles. Cut into 2 pieces. Shape into balls. Cover and let them rest for 15 mins.
- Roll each dough out, flip and roll up gently. Cover and let them rest for 15 mins.
- Roll each dough out again, flip and roll up. Put it in a 9x4x4 pullman pan, seam side down. Put in a warm oven to rise, about 30-45 mins.
- When the dough is just below the rim of pan, close the lid. Let it rise for 10 more mins or so while the oven is preheating.
- Bake at 350F for 25 mins. Remove the lid and bake for 20 more mins. Let it cool on a rack before slicing or storing.
- half & half 260 克(一半牛奶、一半鮮奶油)
- 乾酵母粉 7 克(2 1/4小匙)
- 砂糖 20 克
- 鹽 5 克
- 橄欖油 20 克
- 中筋麵粉 370 克
- 用馬克杯秤量 240克的 half & half,微波加熱到 110-115F/43-46C,倒入攪拌用的大容器中。加入酵母和糖溶解,靜置幾分鐘到表面有細緻的泡沫狀。剩下 20克 half & half放一旁稍後使用。
- 加入鹽、油、麵粉,用木匙攪拌成團。
- 攪拌過程中分次逐漸加入剩下的 20克 half & half。液體都被麵團吸收、麵團也不再那麼濕黏之後,移到撒有薄薄麵粉的桌上搓揉翻折到光滑柔軟有彈性。
- 將麵團放入塗有一點油的容器裡,噴點水,放入預熱一分鐘微溫的烤箱中發酵一小時。(因為是密閉空間所以我沒有加蓋,但是在旁邊放了杯熱水。)
- 將麵團刮出到撒了麵粉的桌上,輕壓排氣。分成二等份滾圓,以濕布覆蓋休息 15分鐘。
- 將麵團桿開、翻面、輕輕捲起,以濕布覆蓋休息 15分鐘。
- 將麵團再次桿開、翻面、輕輕捲起,接縫朝下放入烤模中,放入微溫的烤箱第二次發酵 30-45分鐘。(根據廚房溫濕度不同,需要的時間可能不同。)
- 麵團發到接近烤模高度時,輕輕蓋上蓋子。開始預熱烤箱,同時也讓麵團再發酵 10分鐘左右。
- 以 350F/175C 帶蓋烤 25分鐘,時間到拿掉蓋子再烤 20分鐘。取出脫模置於架上放涼,完全涼了再切片或儲存。
When adding the liquid, it could be super sticky at first. 剛加入液體的時候,麵團會變得非常濕黏。 |
Keep kneading patiently. It can become a beautiful dough like this in just 2 mins. 繼續耐心的揉,僅僅 2分鐘之後就變成這麼光滑漂亮。 |
After 1st rise. | 一次發酵完成。 |
Close the lid when it's almost full. | 快滿的時候蓋上蓋子。 |
Usually I don't like to pre slice bread. But this time I just felt so good slicing... 通常我不喜歡一下子全切好,但這次切起來好過癮呀... |