
肉桂蘋果起司蛋糕 Spiced Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

I love baking cakes but don't want to consume too much sugar. When there's a party invitation, it's time to bake. October is National Apple Month, and we got bunch of apples in fridge. So let's have some apple cake! Cheesecake? My love!

It's my first time meeting a coffee cake. I wondered why it got this name since there's no coffee in this recipe. Or do those spices tastes like coffee when combined? (Nah!) Later I realized it means that this cake is good with a cup of coffee.



The recipe looks complicated. Well, it requires a lot different ingredients. But it's not difficult. The most time consuming part is chopping those apples. 

I don't have any springform pan (someday I will!) so I bake it in my 8x11 2qt baking dish with parchment paper lined. Worked perfectly. At the party we just scooped it onto small plate and enjoyed it. When it was time for us to leave, I just lifted the parchment paper and voila! the remaining cake was transferred to another plate. And I got to leave with my baking dish.


我沒有起司蛋糕專用的那種分離烤模(還沒有),所以我用 8x11吋的玻璃烤盤鋪上防粘烘培紙去烤,結果很好!萬聖節 party的時候直接用湯匙或叉子挖到自己的小盤上就可以享用,最後我們家要先離開的時候,把烘培紙整個提起,剩下的蛋糕就被留在現場,我就可以帶著我的烤盤回家了。

Original recipe: here on Scientifically Sweet. I don't have cardamon and clove, they can be substitute with cinnamon or nutmeg. No problem. Also I'm not sure if everyone at the party would like cinnamon (my husband doesn't really like it) so I reduced the spices' amount a little.

原食譜請見 Scientifically Sweet. 我沒有荳蔻和丁香,但幸好這兩種香料可以用肉桂或是肉豆蔻取代,而且我不確定是否每個人都會喜歡肉桂的味道(我先生就不太愛),所以在香料的用量上稍有減少。

肉桂蘋果起司蛋糕(8吋可分離圓模,或是 8x11吋烤盤)


  • 中筋麵粉 1 1/4 杯
  • 泡打粉 1 小匙
  • 小蘇打粉 1/2 小匙
  • 肉桂粉 1 小匙
  • 荳蔻粉 1/2 小匙(可用肉桂粉和肉荳蔻粉 1:1混合替代)
  • 鹽 1/4 小匙
  • 無鹽奶油 6 大匙,室溫軟化
  • 白砂糖 1/3 杯
  • 紅糖 壓緊滿滿的 1/3 杯
  • 香草精 1 小匙
  • 雞蛋 1 顆
  • 淡奶 1/2 杯

  • 奶油起司 250g, 室溫軟化
  • 白砂糖 1/4 杯
  • 香草精 1/2 小匙
  • 肉桂粉 1/4 小匙
  • 肉荳蔻粉和丁香粉 各 1/8 小匙(丁香粉可用等量的肉桂粉或肉荳蔻粉替代)
  • 蛋黃 1 顆
  • 中筋麵粉 1 小匙
  • 無鹽奶油 2 大匙
  • 丁香 3 個
  • 蘋果 560 克(約一般大小 4顆),去皮去芯切成約 1/3寸的小丁
  • 白砂糖 2 大匙
  • 肉桂粉 1/2 小匙
  • 肉荳蔻粉 1/8小匙


  1. 烤箱預熱 325F/160-165C。將烤模內塗上一層薄薄的奶油,底部鋪上烘焙紙。
  2. 準備蘋果:將蘋果丁、糖、肉桂粉、肉荳蔻粉混合,取一個炒鍋用中火將奶油融化,當奶油泡泡消失之後將丁香放入(我省略丁香),隨後倒入蘋果。輕輕翻炒直到蘋果稍微開始軟化就好,不要加熱過度讓蘋果熟爛。熄火,將丁香丟棄不保留,蘋果倒回原本的碗,放涼。
  3. 起司蛋糕層:奶油起司攪打到滑順,加入糖和香草精,繼續攪打到滑順、糖差不多都溶解。加入肉桂粉、肉荳蔻粉、丁香粉攪拌均勻,加入蛋黃和麵粉攪拌到剛好均勻,將此麵糊放一邊備用。
  4. 蛋糕體:取一小碗,將麵粉、泡打粉、小蘇打粉、肉桂粉、荳蔻粉、鹽一同過篩。另取一中碗將奶油和糖打到泛白蓬鬆。加入香草精打勻。加入蛋,攪打到均勻蓬鬆。加入 1/3的麵粉,以低速攪打到大致上均勻。加入一半的淡奶,打勻。重複此兩個步驟直到淡奶都加完,以中速打 3-5秒讓麵糊均勻滑順。輕輕用攪拌匙拌入最後 1/3的麵粉。
  5. 將蛋糕麵糊倒入烤盤,輕輕抹開、抹平整。將起司麵糊倒入,用抹醬刀或是湯匙尾端插入劃線,讓兩種麵糊稍稍結合。小心的將蘋果鋪上,放入烤箱烤約 45-50分鐘,直到輕輕搖晃烤盤時蛋糕中間會稍有晃動。
  6. 連同烤模一起放涼,可隨喜好篩上薄薄一層糖粉。

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基礎全麥鬆餅 預拌粉 Basic Whole Wheat Pancake Mix

I like to make pancakes for my family on Saturday mornings. If we're not having breakfast or brunch at some restaurant, we're having pancakes most of the time.

In the early months after we moved to U.S., I made pancakes from store-bought mix by Aunt Jemima. It's good. But since our son was born, I don't really want to use it anymore. The searching and trying began, then I found this recipe and adapted it. Sometimes I suggested that we can try other recipes I newly found, but my husband hope we can stick with this one.


在剛到美國的那幾個月,我們用 Aunt Jemima這個牌子的鬆餅粉(我們叫她阿姨牌),很好吃。自從兒子出生之後,我就再也不用這種市售的半成品了,開始尋找及嘗試,直到發現這個食譜,並經過試做和修改。有時候我找到其他新食譜,想要嘗試,先生卻反倒希望我做這一種就好了。

The combination of milk and vinegar was strange to me. Then I googled it and found that it's a substitute for buttermilk. Pancakes made with buttermilk are fluffier and thicker.

Mix those dry ingredients in a ziploc or in any other container before bed. You can make breakfast by simply beating in wet ingredients and heating your skillet in the morning.



Basic Whole Wheat Pancake Mix (About 8-10 pancakes)

Dry ingredients:

  • all-purpose flour 2/3 cup
  • whole wheat flour 1/3 cup
  • sugar 2 Tablespoons
  • baking powder 1 teaspoon
  • baking soda 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
Mix well.

Wet ingredients:

  • milk 1 cup
  • vinegar 2 Tablespoons
  • egg 1
  • unsalted butter 2 Tablespoons, melted
  • vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon (optional)


  1. Combine vinegar and milk, let it sit for 5 mins.
  2. Mix with all other ingredients.
  3. Pour 1/4 cup of batter at a time onto a heated, slightly greased skillet over medium heat. Flip when bubbles form or the surface looks dry. Cook for 1~2 more minutes.

基礎全麥鬆餅 預拌粉(約 8-10片)


  • 中筋麵粉 2/3杯
  • 全麥麵粉 1/3杯
  • 糖 2大匙
  • 泡打粉 1小匙
  • 小蘇打 1/2小匙
  • 鹽 1/2小匙



  • 牛奶 1杯
  • 醋 2大匙
  • 雞蛋 1顆
  • 無鹽奶油 2大匙,融化
  • 香草精 1/2小匙(可有可無)


  1. 醋加到牛奶中,靜置5分鐘。
  2. 將牛奶醋和其他所有材料輕輕混合,勿過度攪拌以免出筋(有一些粉粒是ok的)。
  3. 平底鍋預熱,加一點點油,一次倒 1/4杯鬆餅麵糊入鍋,以中火煎到表面有泡泡形成或是看起來有點乾、不會流動,翻面再煎 1~2分鐘即可

其他變化 Variation: Lemon Ricotta Pancakes | 檸檬瑞可達起司鬆餅

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北海道湯種牛奶麵包 Hokkaido Milk Bread with Tangzhong

Tangzhong is a method introduced by Japanese. In my home country, which is very close to Japanese culture, bread made with Tangzhong can be seen almost everywhere. Tangzhong is done by heating the mixture of liquid and flour. Then process as usual bread making. Bread made with Tangzhong is amazingly soft, and keeps quite well since the heating let flour "grab" moisture.


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