這鍋湯說起來其實也沒有什麼一定的食譜,掌握了基本的概念,冰箱裡、櫥櫃裡幾乎任何食材都可以拿來用,總之是道非常適合秋冬的總匯湯品,而且只需要用到一刀一砧板、一大湯鍋,刀法快的話 30分鐘內就可以上桌。
To be honest, there's no exact recipe for this soup. Once you got the idea, almost anything in the fridge and pantry can be added. This is a soup for autumn and winter. And all the tools you'll need are a knife, a cutting board, and a pot. If you work pretty fast, it can be done in 30 minutes!
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