
花生糙米漿 Peanut Brown Rice Milk


起初是因為看到 Charlene分享了她的香濃糙米漿食譜,猛然勾起我對米漿的想念,然後再找到松露玫瑰也有做過,是用不同堅果、不同種糖做的口味,還有 Carol老師也有花生糙米漿食譜。但是這三份食譜的配方比例都不一樣,那麼我就...自己抓估個大概吧!試試看才知道,而且這原本就是各家做的都不盡相同,也是有情有味之處。




I love rice milk. When I was a child I didn't like soy milk, only rice milk. I didn't like the taste of soy milk until I came of age. Also as I know more about nutritions, I know rice milk contains more calories. (Traditional Chinese rice milk contains peanut and sugar. It's very different from those in American supermarkets.)

At first I saw Charlene sharing her recipe and it reminds me of that smooth and bold flavor. Then I found TruffleRose has hers, and Carol also posted one. Their recipes are so different in ratios, so I tried my own version. The only way to figure it out is by doing. And that's one of the wonderful parts of traditional foods - everyone has their own recipe.

My recipe calls for just a small amount of sugar. That subtle sweetness is enough for me.

I already decided to add milk or soy milk into this rice milk in the coming days, just as I had it before.


  • 糙米 3/4 杯(量米杯 1杯,130克)浸泡一晚
  • 熟無鹽花生 3/4 杯(量米杯 1杯,95克),去殼帶皮(花生烤過更香,見文末更新輕鬆烤花生的方法)
  • 水 8 1/2 杯(2000 cc)
  • 黑糖 1 1/2 大匙
  • 砂糖 1 1/2 大匙

  1. 糙米浸泡過夜。
  2. 泡米的水倒掉,用食物處理機或果汁機將米和水 1 杯一起打細,然後倒入一個大鍋子裡。
  3. 花生和水 1杯一起打細,倒入鍋子。(喜歡花生味更重一點也可以先乾炒或烘烤過直到顏色變深再打。)
  4. 加入剩餘的 6 1/2 杯水,攪拌均勻,中火加熱。加熱過程中要在一旁顧著,時時攪拌,因為有米的關係很容易隨著溫度升高變濃稠、會黏在鍋底。(文末更新不需一直攪拌的妙方)
  5. 耐心持續攪拌,直到米漿煮滾。
  6. 米漿煮滾時加入糖,拌勻,然後關火。
  7. 可以趁熱享用,或是放涼後冷藏。

Peanut Brown Rice Milk

  • brown rice 3/4 cup (130 g,) soak overnight
  • dry roasted unsalted peanut 3/4 cup (95 g,) shelled but preferred skin-on (It tastes much better if dark roasted. See update below.)
  • water 8 1/2 cups (2000 ml)
  • brown sugar 1 1/2 Tablespoons
  • sugar 1 1/2 Tablespoons

  1. Soak brown rice overnight.
  2. Drain the rice. In a food processor or blender, grind rice with 1 cup of water. Pour the mixture into a large pot.
  3. Grind peanut with 1 cup of water. Add it to the pot. (If prefer a stronger nutty flavor, you can roast or pan-fry the peanut until it browns before grinding.)
  4. Add the remaining 6 1/2 cups of water, mix well. Heat on medium to medium-low, stir frequently. This is very important cuz it will stick to the bottom and thicken as it heat up by the rice's presence. (See update below for a tip to save the stirring work!)
  5. Keep stirring frequently, be patient. It might take a while to bring to a boil.
  6. When the rice milk boils, add sugar and mix well. Remove from heat.
  7. Enjoy hot rice milk or let it cool before storing.


生的帶皮花生以 250F/120C烘烤 2小時,中間拿出來撥動一兩次,再提高溫度到 300F/150C烤 15-20分鐘即可。
(若是熟花生,第一段 2小時烘烤或許可省略或縮短時間。)
Roast raw peanuts at 250F/120C for 2 hours, stirring 1-2 times. Then keep roasting at 300F/150C for 15-20 minutes.
(If peanuts is already roasted, you might try skipping the 2-hour roasting or shortening the time.)

Puree the dark roasted peanuts.

Save the stirring work: put 2 spoons into the pot, then you can stir just occasionally even if it boils rapidly.

不同家食譜參考 Other recipes (in Chinese):

