
卡士達吐司 Custard Sandwich Bread

卡士達食譜是修改自 Carol自在生活,很好吃!除了拿來做成台式克林姆麵包之外,剩下的就拿來做卡士達吐司,看過 Carol老師有做過、加上 Charlene的推薦,那就來做做看吧!


The custard recipe is adapted from Carol, it is very good. After making some Taiwanese custard buns, I used the leftover custard in this loaf of bread. Carol had made it, and Charlene recommended it, too.

In order to make this bread not only tasty, but also healthy, I replaced some of the flour with wheat germ. If you don't want to add wheat germ, just replace it with flour. The other point is that the hydration of custard varies from person to person, even from time to time, so it is quite important to keep an eye on the dough when mixing and kneading, give or take the liquid when needed.



  • 卡士達醬 75克
  • 老麵 120克,分成數小塊
  • 高筋麵粉 220克
  • 小麥胚芽 25克,300F/150C烤 6-8分鐘再使用比較香
  • 乾酵母粉 5克
  • 糖 20克(我同時用了白砂糖和黑糖,共 20克)
  • 鹽 4克
  • 鮮奶 130克
  • 無鹽奶油 20克,切小丁軟化


  • 卡士達醬 75克
  • 高筋麵粉 295克
  • 小麥胚芽 25克
  • 乾酵母粉 6克
  • 糖 20克
  • 鹽 5克
  • 鮮奶 180克
  • 無鹽奶油 20克)

A. 鮮奶 200克、砂糖 20克,放小湯鍋裡在爐子上中小火煮滾,小心看顧以免黏鍋燒焦
B. 全蛋 1個、砂糖 20克、香草精 1/2小匙,攪拌均勻
C. 鮮奶 50克、玉米粉 12克、中筋麵粉 13克,攪拌均勻,然後和 B.混合;把煮滾的 A.慢慢倒入 BC混合的蛋奶液並一邊攪拌,再放回爐子上中小火慢慢煮到濃稠,一邊不時攪拌以免結塊黏鍋
煮到喜歡的濃稠度之後離火,趁熱拌入 D. 無鹽奶油 10克,加蓋放涼即可冷藏(冰過之後會再更濃稠一點是正常的)


  1. 將卡士達醬、老麵、麵粉、小麥胚芽、酵母、糖、鹽、鮮奶混合攪拌(鮮奶先保留少許,看情況慢慢添加),成團之後再揉入奶油。
  2. 將麵團移出到撒有麵粉的桌面,雙手揉麵直到麵團光滑柔軟、有彈性,差不多可以撐出薄膜。麵團收圓,放入攪拌盆裡,噴幾下水、輕輕加蓋,室溫發酵 1.5到 2小時。
  3. 第一次發酵完成後,將麵團移出到桌面,輕壓排氣,分成三份分別滾圓,用濕布覆蓋鬆弛 15分鐘。
  4. 桌面撒些麵粉,將麵團桿開、翻面後輕輕捲起。以濕布覆蓋休息 15分鐘。
  5. 將麵團卷從短邊再次桿開,翻面後輕輕捲起,形成短短胖胖的麵卷。將三團麵卷放入吐司模,以濕布覆蓋,室溫發酵 1小時或是直到八分滿,蓋上土司模蓋。(兩次桿捲的照片
  6. 烤箱預熱 350F/176C,將麵團放入烘烤 45分鐘(不帶蓋吐司:烤溫一樣,共烘烤 30-35分鐘。)
  7. 脫模後完全涼透了再切片。

Custard Sandwich Bread (9-inch)


  • custard sauce 75 g
  • pâte fermentée (old dough) 120 g, tear into small pieces
  • bread flour 220 g
  • wheat germ 25 g, toasted at 300F/150C for 6-8 minutes
  • active dry yeast 5 g
  • sugar 20 g (I used a combination of white and brown sugar.)
  • salt 4 g
  • milk 130 g
  • butter 20 g, softened

(If using direct method without old dough:

  • custard sauce 75 g
  • bread flour 295 g
  • wheat germ 25 g
  • active dry yeast 6 g
  • sugar 20 g
  • salt 5 g
  • milk 180 g
  • butter 20 g)

Custard sauce:
A. milk 200 g, sugar 20 g, put in a small sauce pan and bring to a boil on medium-low heat. Watch closely.
B. whole egg 1, sugar 20 g, vanilla extract 1/2 tsp., beat and mix together.
C. milk 50 g, cornstarch 12 g, all-purpose flour 13 g, mix together and pour into B, mix well. Slowly drizzle A into BC mixture while stirring. Heat the mixture on medium-low heat until thickened. Stir regularly to precent sticking and becoming lumpy.
When the custard comes to a preferred thickness, remove from heat and mix in D. unsalted butter 10 g. Cover and let it cool before store in the fridge. (It will be thicker when chilled.)

  1. Mix custard sauce 75 g, pâte fermentée, flour, wheat germ, yeast, sugar, salt, and milk together (save a little bit of milk for adding when needed while kneading.) When the dough forms, knead in the butter.
  2. Move the dough onto a floured table, and knead until smooth, soft, and elastic, almost the windowpane stage. Shape into a ball, put it into the mixing bowl, cover and let it rise at room temperature for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
  3. After the first rise, scrape the dough out and punch down. Divide into 3, shape into rolls, cover with damp cloth and let the rolls rest for 15 minutes.
  4. Roll each dough out on a floured surface. Flip and gently roll up. Cover with damp cloth and let them rest for 15 minutes.
  5. Roll each dough out again, flip and gently roll up to form short and fat dough rolls. Place them in a 9" loaf pan. Cover with damp cloth and let it rise for 1 hour or until just 1" below the rim. Close the lid (if using pullman pan.) (For pictures of step 4 and 5, click here. It's indicated as step 5 and 6.)
  6. Preheat the oven to 350F/176C. Bake for 45 minutes. (Or total 30-35 minutes at 350F/176C in an open pan.)
  7. Let it cool completely before slicing.

