
雞肉炒飯與番茄蛋 Chicken Fried Rice with Tomatoes & Egg



Tomatoes fried rice is a children-tested dish. I seldom see any kid who can resist it. Even me, who didn't really like tomato flavor food but I'll enjoy tomatoes fried rice when I was little. (It's weird, I didn't like tomatoes and egg stir fry even if I love egg so much, but I'll eat fried rice with tomato flavor. It's just so personal.)

I actually was hoping to use up a small quantity of diced tomatoes in the fridge, but it's kinda too wet for the traditional way of making tomatoes fried rice. So I came up with this new method. See? It's so pretty. And it's also delicious.


  • 蒜末
  • 雞大腿肉,切丁
  • 高麗菜,切小小塊
  • 飯(我個人喜歡用熱飯炒,洗米煮的時候水量和米一樣,就不會太濕)
  • 鹽、胡椒適量(黑白胡椒都可,看個人喜好)
  • 番茄塊
  • 番茄醬,適量
  • 醬油,少許
  • 雞蛋,打散
  • 蔥花或乾燥巴西里,裝飾用

  1. 熱鍋,蒜末用中火炒香,加入雞肉大火炒到表面變色、半熟狀態。
  2. 加入高麗菜,拌炒到菜開始軟化。
  3. 倒入熱飯,加入鹽和胡椒,迅速炒勻,轉中火繼續拌炒,將雞肉炒熟。盛入碗裡。
  4. 原鍋熱鍋,倒入番茄塊炒熱,加入番茄醬、醬油,水分收掉一半之後加入打散的蛋,一邊慢慢拌炒一邊注意蛋液熟度,七八分熟就可以熄火,再拌個幾下蛋的熟度就會剛剛好。
  5. 將番茄蛋蓋在炒飯上,撒上蔥花或巴西里即可。

Chicken Fried Rice with Tomatoes & Egg

  • garlic 1-2 cloves, minced
  • chicken thigh 3, cut into bite size
  • cabbage, chopped
  • cooked rice
  • salt & pepper to taste (can use both black or white pepper)
  • diced tomatoes
  • ketchup
  • soy sauce, about 1 Tablespoon
  • eggs 3, beaten
  • chopped green onion, or parsley, for garnish

  1. Heat a pan, stir-fry the garlic until fragrant. Add chicken and stir-fry on high until the chicken browns, half-cooked.
  2. Add cabbage, stir-fry until it begins to wilt.
  3. Add cooked rice, salt and pepper, stir to mix well. Keep cooking until the chicken is fully cooked. Place the fried rice in bowls.
  4. Heat the pan again, add diced tomatoes and heat through. Add some ketchup, soy sauce, and cook until half the liquid evaporates. Pour the egg in, Gently stir it, fold it as making scramble eggs. Cook until desired doneness.
  5. Cover the rice in bowl with tomato-egg, garnish with green onion or parsley.

