
香蒜起司吐司 Herbs Garlic Cheese Bread




Last time my cheese bread tasted like ordinary white bread with a just a bit cheese. Absolutely no good. This time I took some advice and added herbs. It's much better.

I also spent some time trying to search for the most-recommended combination of herbs and cheese but found that it seems like you can use any kind which appeals to you.

Making braided bread is fun. Last time I got a very beautiful loaf despite of its unsatisfying flavor. This time my loaf came out with "twin peaks," not so elegant but again, it's fun. And it browned perfectly.


  • 老麵 100-120 克,分成小塊
  • 小麥胚芽 40 克
  • 高筋麵粉 255 克
  • 乾酵母 5 克
  • 鹽 4 克
  • 糖 20 克
  • 水 183 克
  • 無鹽奶油 20 克
  • 切達起司 70 克,刨粗絲
  • 香料(我用奧勒岡和巴西里)
  • 大蒜 1 瓣,切碎或壓成泥
  • 黑胡椒

  1. 將老麵、小麥胚芽、高筋麵粉、酵母、鹽、糖混合,加入水,攪拌均勻成團。
  2. 麵團成團之後,手揉 2-3分鐘,然後加入奶油。
  3. 繼續搓揉直到麵團光滑有彈性,快要可以撐出薄膜。
  4. 加蓋,室溫發酵 2小時。
  5. 將起司、香料、蒜末、黑胡椒在一碗中拌勻。吐司模鋪上防粘烘焙紙(起司融化會粘黏。)
  6. 將麵團刮出,輕壓排氣。桿開成大大一片長方形,鋪上起司、輕輕捲起。
  7. 將麵團卷縱向切開成 2長條,將一頭稍微捏合,然後 2長條輕輕扭轉成麻花辮。
  8. 麵團放入吐司模,以濕布或保鮮膜覆蓋,室溫發酵 1小時或直到和烤模同高。
  9. 烤箱預熱 350F/176C,烘烤 32分鐘。
  10. 涼透了再切片。

Herbs Garlic Cheese Bread (9x5 loaf)

  • Old dough (pâte fermentée) 100-120 g, tear or cut into small pieces.
  • wheat germ 40 g
  • bread flour 255 g
  • active dry yeast 5 g
  • salt 4 g
  • sugar 20 g
  • water 183 g
  • butter 20 g
  • grated medium cheddar 70 g
  • herbs (I used oregano and parsley)
  • garlic 1 clove, minced
  • ground black pepper

  1. Mix old dough, wheat germ, bread flour, yeast, salt, and sugar together. Add water, and mix to form a dough.
  2. When the dough is formed, knead it for 2-3 minutes until a little elastic. Add the butter.
  3. Knead until the dough is very smooth and elastic, almost the windowpane stage.
  4. Cover and let it rise for 2 hours at room temperature.
  5. Mix grated cheese, herbs, garlic, and black pepper in a small bowl. Line a 9" loaf pan with parchment paper. (This is recommended cuz the melting cheese is gonna stick.)
  6. Scrap the dough out and punch down. Roll it out to a flat rectangle. Spread the cheese mixture all over it. Roll up.
  7. Cut the roll-up dough into 2, lengthwise. Pinch one end together. Gently braid the loaf by placing one half onto another repeatedly.
  8. Place the braided loaf in the pan. Cover with damp cloth and let it rise for 1 hour or until just as high as the pan.
  9. Preheat the oven to 350F. Bake for 32 minutes.
  10. Let it cool completely before slicing.

