
黑糖糕 Brown Sugar Cake (Heitang Gao)

"Brown-sugar cake is a type of leavened cake. To Chinese speakers, leavening is often associated with “becoming prosperous.” As such, this cake is usually served during the Lunar New Year holidays. Brown-sugar cake is a favorite gift item from Penghu." -- an introduction from Taiwan Food Culture.

I will always want to have some brown sugar cake when visiting Penghu or Chun Shui Tang. The interesting part is that when I was in Taiwan, I'd never thought about making it myself.

The brown sugar I used here is gold-brown, so the cake doesn't come out with dark color, and the fragrance of brown sugar is light, just all right. Well, the texture is right, spongy and chewy. Maybe next time if I want a stronger flavor and darker color, I can try finding the real Okinawa brown sugar in Japanese supermarket.

「黑糖糕屬於發糕的一種,發糕亦有發財之意,是過年常見的吉祥供品,如今已是澎湖最佳伴手禮之一。」 -- 來自臺灣美食文化網的簡介。



Brown Sugar Cake (Heitang Gao)
Recipe adapted from Jane

  • brown sugar 120 g
  • water 90 g, plus more
  • honey 20 g
  • all-purpose flour 180 g
  • tapioca flour 70 g
  • baking powder 9 g
  • baking soda 2 g
  • vegetable oil 15 g

  1. Mix and sift all-purpose flour, tapioca flour, baking powder and baking soda.
  2. Dissolve and heat brown sugar in water 90 g on stovetop and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes to bring out the best flavor of brown sugar. Add honey and mix well. Heat for 1 minute then remove from heat.
  3. Add cool water to brown sugar mixture to make a total 410 g.
  4. Mix sugar water with sifted dry ingredients and vegetable oil.
  5. Pour into a 9-inch round pan (or 8-inch square pan) and gently bang the pan for a few times to eliminate big bubbles. Steam on medium heat for 25 minutes (count from boiling.)
  6. Sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds and let it cool in the pan before slicing.


  • 黑糖 120 克
  • 水 90 克,以及適量
  • 蜂蜜 20 克
  • 中筋麵粉 180 克
  • 樹薯粉 70 克
  • 泡打粉 9 克
  • 小蘇打粉 2 克
  • 蔬菜油 15 克

  1. 將四種乾粉類混合過篩。
  2. 黑糖和水 90 克混合,在爐子上加熱到滾,轉小火續煮 5 分鐘帶出黑糖香味。加入蜂蜜溶解,煮 1分鐘,關火。
  3. 將黑糖蜜加入適量冷水使得總重量達到 410 克。
  4. 黑糖水與乾粉類、蔬菜油混合均勻。
  5. 麵糊倒入 9吋蛋糕模(或 8吋方形烤盤),在桌面上輕敲幾下排出大氣泡。中火蒸 25分鐘(水滾後開始計時。)
  6. 撒上熟芝麻,連同模子一起放涼再脫模切塊。

