
二試:吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司 2nd Try: Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf

My 1st try | 第一次嘗試:
Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf | 吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司
My 3rd try | 第三次嘗試:
3rd Try: Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf | 三戰:吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司

This loaf is supposed to have a delicate, denser crumb. My first loaf was tender but the texture could be better. This time I used bread flour and decreased the amount from 370 grams to 300 grams. Yet the result is not satisfying, even worse than my first one. The flavor is good but not the crumb.

I guess it's the temperature.

Wu's recipe emphasizes the temperature of kneaded dough should be 79-82F/26-28C but I had never kept that in mind, still using room temperature ingredients, not to mention testing the temperature of my dough. Also I might over-rise the dough.

water 135 g
milk 69 g
yeast 3 g
salt 5 g
sugar 24 g
bread flour 300 g
butter 15 g

Bake at 350F for 30 minutes in an open pan.

這條吐司的內身應該要是細緻的,我做的第一條很軟,但是組織不夠好。這次我用了高筋麵粉 300克,結果仍然不滿意,甚至比第一次更不滿意。口味上是很好吃,但是組織不對。


吳師傅的這個配方很強調麵團攪拌/揉成的溫度應該要落在 79-82F/26-28C 但我從來不當一回事,仍然使用常溫的材料,更別說要量看看麵團的溫度了。而且二次發酵可能發過頭了。

水 135 克
牛奶 69 克
酵母 3 克
鹽 5 克
糖 24 克
高筋麵粉 300 克
奶油 15 克

350F/176C 不帶蓋烘烤 30分鐘。

The windowpane test. | 測試薄膜

