
三戰:吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司 3rd Try: Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf

My 1st try | 第一次嘗試:
Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf | 吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司
The 2nd try | 第二次:
2nd Try: Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf | 二試:吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司

Many people make this loaf in a stand mixer but I don't have one. I always enjoy kneading by hand. It may be more difficult to control the temperature when hand kneading. After doing more searching and asking for Charlene's advice, I froze my flour, salt, and sugar for an hour or so, kept water, milk, and yeast in the fridge before use, and left the butter at room temperature. During kneading I checked the dough temperature and it was 80F/26.6C when done.

1st rise at room temperature (76F-ish/25C) for 90 minutes.
2nd rise in the oven with a cup of hot water for 50 minutes + 20 minutes in an oven which is turned on for just 1 minute.

Also I increased the flour to 330 grams (and other ingredients according to the proportion of course) and yeast to 5 g cuz I found what the original recipe uses is instant but mine is active dry.

bread flour 330 g
salt 5 g
sugar 26 g
water 148 g
milk 76 g
active dry yeast 5 g
butter 16-17 g

Let dough rest for 20 minutes before rolling out and rolling up twice.
Bake at 350F/176C for 30 minutes in an open pan.

80F when the kneading is done. | 麵團揉好時的溫度是 80F/26.6C

絕大部分做這條金牌吐司的人都是用攪拌機來揉麵,但我沒有攪拌機,而且我一直都很享受手揉麵的感覺。手揉或許會比較不容易控制麵團溫度。在重新做一番搜尋、徵詢過羅比媽 Charlene的建議之後,這次我事先將麵粉、鹽、糖混合放入冷凍庫一小時左右,水、牛奶、酵母使用前都放冷藏,奶油放室溫。在揉麵的過程中幾次測試麵團溫度,揉成終溫是 80F/26.6C。

第二次發酵和一杯熱水一起放在烤箱中 50分鐘+20分鐘在預熱了一分鐘的烤箱。

此外這次增加了麵粉用量到 330克(其他材料也照比例增加)、酵母增加到 5 克,因為我發現原版食譜用的是速發酵母,而我的是一般乾酵母。

高筋麵粉 330 克
鹽 5 克
糖 26 克
水 148 克
牛奶 76 克
乾酵母 5 克
奶油 16-17 克

兩次擀捲之前麵團各休息 20分鐘。
350F/176C 不帶蓋烘烤 30分鐘。

The windowpane test. | 測試薄膜

This is what I want! | 噢!這就是我想要的!!

Delicate crumb! | 細密的內身

Left: the 3rd loaf with monitoring the temperature while kneading. Right: the 2nd loaf.

Left: a slice near the end of loaf. Right: a slice in the middle. (From the same loaf.)
Next time I should closely watch the temperature during the 2nd rise.

