
葵花籽枸杞麵包 Sunflower Seeds Goji Bread

Goji is often used in Chinese congee and soup, mostly with other herbs. That's why when I think of goji, there's always a memory of slightly sweet and bitter taste -- it doesn't come from goji but other herbs. 

But when used in bread, goji is just dried berries. 



Nice chewy crumb. Nice flavor. | 有嚼勁的組織,味道很好喔

Sunflower Seeds Goji Bread

  • an 1-pound dough of European peasant bread, or can use any kind of bread dough
  • sunflower seeds, toasted at 350F for 6-8 minutes, I used about 25 grams.
  • goji, I used 15 grams.

  1. After 1st rise (or take it out from refrigerator,) scrap the dough out and flatten it.
  2. Spread sunflower seeds and goji evenly onto the dough. Gently roll it up.
  3. Put the dough on a baking sheet, seam side down. Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit for 70-90 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven at 450F. Dust and slash the dough. Put the dough in and use a water sprayer to create steam in the oven. Shut the door and spray again in 30 seconds. Repeat twice. Bake for a total 30 minutes.
  5. Let it cool.


  • 歐洲鄉村麵包的麵團一份,也可以使用任何一種麵包麵團
  • 葵花籽,以 350F/175C 烘烤 6-8分鐘,我用了大約 25克
  • 枸杞,我用了約 15克

  1. 麵團第一次發酵完成後(或是從冰箱中拿出來之後),將它刮到桌面上並推壓成平面。 
  2. 將葵花籽和枸杞均勻鋪上,輕輕捲起。 
  3. 將麵團放到烤盤上,接合處朝下,用保鮮膜覆蓋靜置 70-90分鐘。 
  4. 烤箱預熱 450F/230C。麵團表面撒些麵粉、用刀劃線,放入烤箱。往烤箱內壁噴幾下水,迅速關上烤箱門將蒸汽關在裡面,30秒後再次噴水、關上烤箱門,共重複二次。總共烘烤 30分鐘。 
  5. 出爐後在架上放涼。 

