
鹹蛋糕 Savory Steamed Cake


蒸的鹹蛋糕做法很簡單,配料可以千變萬化。我看過有用肉臊、油蔥酥、起司、各種蔬菜、培根... 可以好好運用想像力!



In Taiwan, people love food tastes savory and sweet at the same time. Just like you'll find sugar in most Chinese recipes, especially along with soy sauce. 

This steamed cake is easy to make, and I believe there are infinite variations -- you can put whatever toppings you like. I've seen recipes with Taiwanese minced pork, fried shallots, cheese, vegetables, bacon... Can't wait to try them!

This time I put green onion and pork sung, also grated carrot for my toddler (since I don't want him to eat pork sung, which is processed.)

I'm not sure if this is what the Japanese say "umami." Can we just eat without tempting to find out the exact answer?

沒有肉鬆的這邊是兒子的紅蘿蔔口味 | The one-third without pork sung is for my toddler.

鹹蛋糕(12兩土司模或是 8吋圓模)

  • 雞蛋 4顆,室溫
  • 糖 120 克
  • 低筋麵粉 140 克(或是中筋麵粉 122 克+玉米粉/太白粉 18 克)
  • 鹽 2 克
  • 泡打粉 3 克(可省略)
  • 配料(蔥 3支切碎、肉鬆、紅蘿蔔絲、芝麻、鹽)

  1. 準備好蒸籠,裝水加熱到溫溫的。模具塗油或是鋪上烘焙紙。
  2. 麵粉、鹽、泡打粉一起過篩。
  3. 取一個大碗將雞蛋和 1/3的糖打散,繼續分次加入剩餘的糖並高速打發,直到攪拌器舉起麵糊滴下有明顯的褶子,體積增為三倍大,而且顏色泛白。
  4. 蒸籠水再次加熱。
  5. 加入 1/3的麵粉,輕輕大動作拌勻,重複此步驟拌入所有的麵粉。
  6. 將一半的麵糊倒入烤模,放入蒸籠用中大火蒸 10分鐘。
  7. 蛋糕在蒸的同時準備配料,將蔥花、紅蘿蔔、芝麻和少許油、鹽拌勻,肉鬆準備好在一旁。
  8. 輕輕將一半的配料鋪到蛋糕上,倒入剩餘的麵糊,再把另一半配料輕輕鋪在最上面。
  9. 同樣以中大火繼續蒸 20分鐘。
  10. 將蛋糕從蒸籠中取出,在模具中靜置 10分鐘再脫模,完全放涼。

Savory Steamed Cake (a 9x5 loaf or 8" round cake)

  • eggs 4, at room temperature
  • sugar 120 g
  • cake flour 140 g (or all-purpose flour 122 g + cornstarch 18 g)
  • salt 2 g
  • baking powder 3 g (optional)
  • toppings (green onion 3 stalks chopped, pork sung, grated carrot, sesame seeds, salt.)

  1. Prepare a steamer with water. Heat the water to warm. Grease or line a loaf pan or cake pan.
  2. Sift flour, salt, baking powder together.
  3. In a large mixing bowl beat the eggs with 1/3 of the sugar until bubbly. Keep beating on high and gradually add the remaining sugar. Beat until the ribbons, triple in volume and pale.
  4. Heat the steamer to bring to a boil.
  5. Gently fold in 1/3 of the flour into egg mixture. Repeat to fold all the remaining flour in.
  6. Pour half the cake batter into the pan. Steam on medium-high for 10 minutes.
  7. While the cake is being steamed, prepare the toppings. Mix green onion, carrot, and sesame with a little oil and salt. Have the pork sung nearby.
  8. Gently spread half the toppings onto the steamed cake. Pour the remaining batter, and top with the remaining toppings.
  9. Steam for another 20 minutes on medium-high.
  10. Let the cake cool in its pan for 10 minutes before unmold and let cool completely.

