
蘋果紅棗雞湯 Chicken Soup with Apple & Jujube


一開始是因為 KT在這道菜名上加了「美容」兩字,又有「蘋果」、「紅」棗等字眼,讓人直覺想到白裡透紅的好氣色,所以就有這麼個印象擱在心上;後來某次買到兩顆不好吃的蘋果,偏乾澀、缺少香氣,乾脆拿來入菜好了。



My husband literally eats everything I cook. This soup is something he'll suggest when I want to make chicken soup. The original recipe is from KT (in Chinese.)

KT named it with keywords like "good to skin beauty," so it got my attention. Then there was a time we got 2 apples which were not that good, kind of dry, lack of fragrance. So I used them in cooking.

Wow, amazing!

If using pre-cut chicken, this soup can be done in an hour. It is so delicious that my husband thinks it could be on Chinese New Year's table.


  • 雞 半隻,切塊(不切也行啦)
  • 蘋果 1 顆,去皮去核切大塊
  • 紅棗 7-8 顆
  • 薑片 3-5 片
  • 米酒 2-3 大匙
  • 水 適量,蓋過食材就好
  • 鹽 適量

  1. 雞肉放入冷水鍋中,大火加熱到剛好滾,離火倒掉濁水,在流動清水下將雞肉表面沖洗乾淨。
  2. 雞肉放回鍋中,放入蘋果、紅棗、薑片,加入米酒,倒入蓋過食材的冷水,加蓋大火加熱到滾。
  3. 水滾之後維持在大滾的狀態 40分鐘,可適當調整火候以免湯水溢出,有需要時開蓋撈掉浮沫。
  4. 40分鐘後轉成中小火續煮 20分鐘,煮好後加入適量的鹽調味即可。

Chicken Soup with Apple & Jujube
Adapted from KT's blog

  • half chicken
  • apple 1, peel, core, and cut into chunks
  • dried jujube 7-8
  • fresh ginger root 3-5 slices
  • rice wine 2-3 Tablespoons
  • water
  • salt to taste

  1. In a stock pot filled with cold water, put chicken in, and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour away the water and wash the chicken under running water. By doing so the soup will be clearer.
  2. In the same pot, put in chicken, apple, jujubes , ginger slices, add rice wine, then add water to just above all the ingredients. Cover and bring to a boil on high.
  3. Keep the soup at a rapid boil for 40 minutes. Adjust heat if need to avoid a boil over. Skim the scum as needed.
  4. After 40-minute boil, lower the heat to medium-low and simmer for another 20 minutes. Season with salt to taste.

