
胚芽麵包 Wheat Germ Bread

This dough is basically a no-knead. I refrigerated it for 7 days and baked it, then froze it. We're not going to eat it right away but I thought the dough should be baked otherwise the wheat germ in it might go rancid.

Great chewy texture! With great wheat taste. I thought I was eating a baguette. (Yes, I ate a slice.)



Nice oven spring! | 麵團進爐後膨脹得好漂亮啊!

Wheat Germ Bread

  • water 190 g
  • yeast 2-3 g
  • salt 4 g
  • all-purpose flour 230 g
  • wheat germ 10 g

  1. Mix all the ingredients well. Let it rise for 2 hours then put it into the fridge for up to 7 days.
  2. Scrape the dough out onto a floured surface. Quickly but gently shape it.
  3. Let it sit for 70-80 minutes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover loosely with plastic wrap. (Don't use damp cloth, it will stick.)
  4. Preheat the oven to 450F. Dust and slash the dough. Bake for 30 minutes. (If a crusty crust is preferred, feel free to use some steam.)
  5. Let it cool completely before slicing.


  • 水 190 克
  • 乾酵母 2-3 克
  • 鹽 4 克
  • 中筋麵粉 230 克
  • 小麥胚芽 10 克

  1. 所有材料混合均勻,置於室溫發酵 2小時,然後放入冷藏,七天內用掉。
  2. 桌上撒些麵粉,麵團刮出,迅速但輕柔的整形。
  3. 烤盤上鋪烘焙紙,麵團靜置 70-80分鐘,用保鮮膜輕輕覆蓋(不可以用濕布,會黏住。)
  4. 烤箱預熱 450F/230C。麵團上輕輕篩上麵粉、用利刃劃線,送進烤箱烘烤 30分鐘。(如果喜歡歐包的硬脆外皮,可以製造一些蒸氣)
  5. 出爐後完全放涼再切。

