
酥烤紅豆牛奶年糕 Red Bean Rice Cake

Glutinous rice cake (nian gao) is popular during Chinese New Year. I like it the best when it's wrapped in batter and fried. But, yup that's a calorie bomb! This recipe from KT stayed in my to-do list for a while. Finally I got some glutinous rice flour and Chinese New Year is around the corner!

It is so easy that I forgot what KT mentioned about temperature... So it cracked.

For the recipe, please click on the hyperlink below. It is in Chinese.

年糕在農曆新年期間是一定要吃的,其實我覺得最好吃就是裹上麵衣下油鍋炸的香酥,不過那熱量和脂肪真是讓人吃不消啊~矽谷美味人妻 KT的這份食譜我看好久了,總算是買了包糯米粉回家,正好也快過年了。

實在是太簡單了,送進烤箱後完全就忘了 KT提醒的溫度和龜裂的問題...

