
綜合果乾堅果吐司 Trail Mix Loaf

It's been almost 2 years since I put hands on my first bread dough. There was a time I just didn't know how to handle the sticky dough without adding extra flour. And this resulted in some dry, hard bread. Also there were a few times I wondered why the 2nd rise just couldn't get big enough to fill my 9x5 loaf pan.

This time I finally had the patience to convert ingredients amount when the recipes I used called for a pan in a size different than mine. And I'm planning on sticking to it cuz it worked perfect.

Furthermore, I experimented on reducing that bitter taste in whole wheat bread by using brown sugar instead of white granulated sugar, since one of the differences between brown and white sugar is molasses, which is one of the suggested solutions when I did some online searching and asking for suggestions about the bitter taste problem (the others are honey and orange juice, I'll try them someday.) This time brown sugar worked (those dried fruits must helped as well!)

自從第一次做麵包以來已經快滿 2年了,曾經我覺得濕濕黏黏的麵團實在好難處理,忍不住多加麵粉而造成成品偏乾偏硬,也曾經好幾次我等呀等的,麵團進爐前的第二次發酵就是發不滿 9x5吋的吐司模。



Trail mix: by adding dried fruits and nuts, I can easily boost my and my family's intakes of those antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 


before 1st rise | 第一次發酵之前

there are blueberries, cranberries, cherries, raisins, almonds, cashews, and peanuts

Trail Mix Loaf (9x5, 30% whole wheat)


(I enjoy using mass measurement recently cuz it saves some cleaning work.)
  • water 235 ml, 100F-110F, divided
  • active dry yeast 9 g
  • brown sugar 65 g
  • salt 5 g
  • whole wheat flour 125 g
  • all-purpose flour 285 g
  • olive oil 27 g

  1. Sprinkle and dissolve yeast in approximately 215 ml warm water. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes until it foams a little on top.
  2. Mix sugar, salt, flour in a big mixing bowl. Add yeast mixture and stir with a wooden spoon or chopsticks until the dough mostly hold together.
  3. Either transfer the dough onto a slightly floured surface or work directly in the bowl, knead by hand.
  4. While kneading, gradually add about 5-10 ml at a time, knead and let the dough absorb the water before adding more. Repeat until all the remaining 20 ml water is added and absorbed.
  5. Add olive oil. Knead and let the dough take the oil in. When the dough is ready, it would be soft and smooth. Mixing bowl and hand would be almost clean. Fold in trail mix. (You can chop those nuts a bit before adding them.)
  6. Turn the dough back into slightly greased mixing bowl (if working directly in bowl, just leave it there.) Give the dough a few sprays of water. Cover and leave at a warm place to let it rise, about 1-2 hrs. I did this by turning on the oven for 1-2 minutes, turning it off and putting the bowl in, shutting the oven door.
  7. The 1st rise is done when the dough gets bigger in size, almost doubled. Or check by poking with a floured finger, if the dough doesn't spring back, it's ready.
  8. Dump the dough onto a floured surface, pouch down and knead for a few times. Shape into a loaf as you like. Put it in a 9x5 loaf pan, give it some sprays of water, and let it do the 2nd rise in a warm place until the dough is taller than pan. (Cover with damp towel if leaving on countertop or other open place.)
  9. When the 2nd rise is almost done, preheat oven to 350F (180C.) Gently brush egg wash on dough (optional.) Put it into oven and bake for 30 minutes. 
  10. Let it cool out of pan before slicing.



  • 水 235 ml, 100F-110F(40C左右),分次使用
  • 乾酵母粉 9 g
  • 黑糖 65 g
  • 鹽 5 g
  • 全麥麵粉 125 g
  • 中筋麵粉 285 g
  • 橄欖油 27 g

  1. 溫水約 215 ml,加入酵母粉溶解,靜置 5-10分鐘。
  2. 在一大碗中混合糖、鹽、麵粉,加入酵母溶液,用木匙或筷子攪拌至大致上成團。
  3. 將麵團移至撒了些粉的工作檯面,或是直接在大碗中操作,用手揉麵團。
  4. 在揉麵團的同時分次加入剩下的 20 ml水分,每次加入都需一邊揉麵等到麵團將水分吸收再繼續加。
  5. 水分加完之後,加入橄欖油。繼續揉麵直到麵團將油份也吸收進去。揉好的麵團會是柔軟、表面光滑的,碗/工作檯面和手也會幾乎是乾乾淨淨。加入綜合果乾及堅果(堅果若較大塊可以稍微切小。)
  6. 將麵團放入抹了些油的大碗中,朝麵團噴幾下水,加蓋並靜置於溫暖處讓它發酵約 1-2小時。也可以把烤箱電源打開 1-2分鐘後關掉,把麵團放入關上烤箱門。
  7. 檢查第一次發酵是否完成:麵團體積幾乎是兩倍大,或是手指沾麵粉戳入麵團中間,若沒有回彈就是好了。
  8. 將麵團刮出到撒了麵粉的工作檯面,輕壓排氣並稍微揉幾下。依自己喜好整形成吐司長條狀,放入 9x5吋的吐司模,噴幾下水並置於溫暖處進行第二次發酵,直到幾乎滿模或是麵團長得比烤模邊緣還要高一點。(若是置於開放空間發酵的話要以濕布輕輕覆蓋麵團。)
  9. 第二次發酵接近完成時,預熱烤箱 350F (180C)。如果喜歡麵包表面顏色較深且發亮的話可以輕輕刷上一層薄薄的蛋液。放入烤箱烤 30分鐘。 
  10. 麵包出爐後脫模放涼再切片。

