
南瓜子起司免揉麵包 No-Knead Pumpkin Seeds Cheese Bread

I got some cheddar cheese in my fridge and I wanna use it in bread. Then I found this recipe on Pinterest. That pin just looks soooo... perfect. At first I didn't know what manchego cheese is and surely I didn't have any. But whatever, I'll use my cheddar also that small pinch of pumpkin seeds, which took me a whole afternoon to shell. (I kept them while making pumpkin puree. It's just a thought that I shouldn't waste them, I should try. Well, there wouldn't be next time.)

冰箱裡有塊剩的切達起司,我想要拿來做麵包用,於是上了 Pinterest找到這個圖片看起來相當誘人的食譜。曼徹格起司...?我不認識它,手邊當然也沒有,但無所謂,用切達也是可以啦!還有一小小撮南瓜子是之前買了一大顆南瓜做南瓜泥留下來的,一直很想找機會用掉,當時還花了一整個下午剝殼,最後只有一點點。(當初只是覺得丟掉有些浪費,留下來用用看...不會有下次了!)

And it's a no-knead recipe! Recently I'm just wondering if I could use my Chinese clay casserole pot as a Dutch oven. I'm not sure at what temperature it can stand. But this recipe calls for 475F and my T-Fal dutch oven can only withstand 450F. So I gotta try my casserole or try baking this bread at 450F.

My casserole worked and it survived. The bread came out round and big. Smelled so great that we should go to bed earlier, wake up earlier to enjoy it as breakfast.

Original recipe is here, on seriously delicious. My only adaptations are cheddar cheese and some pumpkin seeds (oh, and I used all-purpose instead of bread flour.) Enjoy it!

這食譜是個免揉麵包,前陣子我才在想能不能用砂鍋來烤麵包,雖然不確定它的耐熱度到多少,不過這個食譜的烘烤溫度是 475F, 比我的特福大鍋耐熱 450F還要高,也就是說我必須試試看用砂鍋,不然就是降低溫度烘烤。





  • 中筋麵粉 3 杯(其中 1杯我用全麥麵粉)
  • 乾酵母粉 3/4 小匙
  • 鹽 3/4 小匙
  • 黑胡椒 1/2 小匙(我用研磨罐現磨,轉了 15下)
  • 水 1 1/3 杯
  • 切達起司 約 2 杯的量,切成 1/2吋小丁 
  • 南瓜子 適量 

    1. 將所有材料於大盆中以木匙或筷子混合均勻,用保鮮膜緊緊包好,放在廚房檯面上 12-18小時。
    2. 待麵團長大、有大大小小氣泡時就是一次發酵完成了;在桌面上鋪塊布或是防粘烘培紙,撒一層麵粉,將麵團刮出來、表面撒些麵粉,稍微壓扁排氣,從上下左右各摺疊一次整形成接近圓形,收口朝下放在布/烘培紙上,以保鮮膜覆蓋,靜置 1-2小時進行第二次發酵。
    3. 第二次發酵完成的前 30分鐘,將有蓋的耐熱鍋子連蓋子一起放入烤箱預熱 475F/245C, 30分鐘後小心將鍋子取出,把麵團倒進去(如果用烘培紙可以連紙一起放進去),蓋上蓋子放進烤箱烤 30分鐘。
    4. 將鍋蓋取出,再烤 10-15分鐘讓麵包表面上色。
    5. 放涼後享用。

    Just mix all ingredients together. Yes it's that easy. No knead.

    Before 1st rise. | 剛拌好,正要開始第一次發酵。

    After 12 hrs. | 12小時之後。

    After 17 hrs. | 17小時之後

    See that gluten? | 那些就是麵團長出來的筋性。

    Slightly folded. | 輕輕折幾下。

    Freshly baked, golden bread! | 剛出爐的金黃麵包!

    Cheese melted and left those "holes." I love it! | 起司融化留下大大小小的洞,好棒!

