
香腸肉雜煮湯 Sausage & Everything Soup

這鍋湯說起來其實也沒有什麼一定的食譜,掌握了基本的概念,冰箱裡、櫥櫃裡幾乎任何食材都可以拿來用,總之是道非常適合秋冬的總匯湯品,而且只需要用到一刀一砧板、一大湯鍋,刀法快的話 30分鐘內就可以上桌。

To be honest, there's no exact recipe for this soup. Once you got the idea, almost anything in the fridge and pantry can be added. This is a soup for autumn and winter. And all the tools you'll need are a knife, a cutting board, and a pot. If you work pretty fast, it can be done in 30 minutes!



This kind of sausage is very different from Taiwanese sausage. Besides pan-fry for breakfast, it can be cooked in soup as it is so aromatic and full of flavors.

I used garlic pepper and parmesan chicken sausages this time, the soup prevents the possible dryness of chicken. Feel free to use any kind of sausages as you like. Just add some pasta cooked to al dente, you'll have a bowl of noodle soup. So warm, so seasonal.

Heat and stir-fry bacon, garlic, and onion until fragrant.

Add mushroom and green beans.

Add cabbage and sausages, then cover with water or broth.

Put sliced sausage back and simmer for another 5 minutes.



  • 培根 2條,切小丁
  • 蒜頭 2-3瓣,切末
  • 洋蔥 1顆,切條或小丁
  • 蘑菇 10顆左右,切片,可以有點厚度
  • 四季豆 適量,切小丁
  • 高麗菜 適量,切小條或小塊
  • 義式香腸 3大條,也可選用散裝香腸肉
  • 地瓜 1大條,切小丁,也可選用馬鈴薯
  • 水,也可改用高湯,但須注意鹹度
  • 義式綜合香料


  1. 培根丁下鍋,以中小火慢煸出香味及油脂。
  2. 加入蒜末、洋蔥丁,略微拌炒之後繼續中小火慢煸到有香氣飄出。
  3. 加入蘑菇片,中小火慢炒到軟化。
  4. 加入四季豆丁、高麗菜、香腸、地瓜丁,加水淹過所有食材;若喜歡湯多可以多加水。蓋上鍋蓋大火煮開,轉中小火維持在略滾的狀態 10分鐘。
  5. 將香腸撈出,略微放涼之後切片或切丁、切條(若使用散裝香腸肉可省略此步驟),放回鍋中續煮 5分鐘。
  6. 以鹽、香料適度調味,可依個人喜好在享用時加入帕馬森起司粉。

Sausage & Everything Soup


  • bacon 2 strips, chopped.
  • garlic 2-3 cloves, minced.
  • onion 1, chopped.
  • mushroom about 10, sliced.
  • green beans, chopped.
  • cabbage, chopped.
  • sausage links 2, or just use bulk sausage.
  • yam 1 large, chopped. Can also use potato.
  • water, or stock.
  • salt
  • Italian herbs and spices


  1. Heat bacon on medium-low heat until fragrant.
  2. Add garlic, onion and keep heating until fragrant.
  3. Add mushroom, cook until soft.
  4. Put in green beans, cabbage, sausage, and yam. Add water to cover all the ingredients or more as you like. Cover and bring to a boil on high. Turn to medium-low heat, keep it boiling for 10 minutes.
  5. Take the sausage links out. Wait for a few minutes for it to cool a little. Cut into slices, strips or chunks. Put the sausage back into the soup and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  6. Season with salt and spices. Grated parmesan is optional while serving.

