
免揉比薩麵團 No-Knead Pizza Dough


Measure and mix all the ingredients after dinner, leave it on the counter, and put it into fridge before bed. The next day you'll have a beautiful pizza dough. You can make it classic, copy your favorite pizzeria, or top with whatever appeals to you. Pizza is something you can easily make and everyone in the house will love.

這個麵團的配方是來自 Jeff Hertzberg和 Zoë François所著的 The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day,我把它抄在一張便利貼、貼在廚房的櫥櫃上,意思也就是說我們家想自己做比薩的時候,幾乎都是用這個配方,有時候替換一些全麥麵粉、有時候撒一些香料、有時候忘記放橄欖油...(哈哈哈!而且還吃的時候才發現)

This recipe is from The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë François. I scribbled it on a post-it and posted it on my kitchen cabinet -- it's my go-to recipe when I need to make pizza. Sometimes I'll subbed with some whole wheat flour, sometimes mix in herbs, sometimes I forgot the olive oil and didn't notice that until eating...

我做過瑪格麗特,簡單的配料但非常好吃,試過才知道為何它是個經典;其他時候多半是隨心所欲,愛加什麼就加什麼,只要遵循兩個大原則:少即是多、不要太濕。我儘量控制配料在 2-3種左右(起司除外),台灣的比薩流行吃得很豐盛,那也無不可,只不過種類一多、每種配料的用量就要隨著減少,要是麵皮上堆滿了厚厚一層配料,那火候和時間的控制難度就會提高很多,你希望餅皮烤得剛剛好,又擔心配料沒熟、起司沒完全融;食材的水分控制也很重要,使用新鮮番茄、罐頭食材之前務必要將汁液盡可能瀝乾,濕黏的比薩是這世界上令人感到無奈又悲傷的事物之一。


I had made Pizza Margherita, which was wonderful with simple toppings. Mostly I just top it with anything I or my family like, as long as I keep these in mind: LESS IS MORE, and NOT TOO WET. I'll do my best to keep the toppings no more than 3 kinds besides cheese. Taiwanese likes deluxe style pizzas, which is fine, only remember to reduce the amount of every toppings. If you pizza crust is buried under piles of topping, it will be harder to control the baking time and temperature. Also, drain your toppings well like fresh tomatoes or canned ingredients before use. Soggy pizza is one of the most depressing things in this world.

As when to put the cheese, I think it depends on how you'd like your pizza. Spread cheese between the crust and toppings, the colors of toppings will pop and you'll have a beautiful, eye-catching pizza. Let cheese be the last topping, your pizza will be covered with melted cheese.



I was going to use beef, but was occupied by other things and forgot to thaw it. Lunch was already late. So I pulled out leftover tomato meat sauce from my freezer and microwaved it, spread on dough, added cheese, sent into oven, and we got to sit at the table in 20 minutes. The taste? Good! It looks like loaded with meat, so I made the other pizza kind of vegan with pesto, cheese, sliced tomato, and chopped artichoke hearts. I made this dough with part of white whole wheat flour and added some rosemary. Yum!

And this dough is good for breadsticks, too!

修改自 The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day

  • 中筋麵粉 345g
  • 乾酵母 4g
  • 鹽 6-9g
  • 糖 5-6g
  • 溫水 236g
  • 橄欖油 21g

  1. 麵團材料在大保鮮盒中全部攪勻,蓋子輕輕蓋上靜置 2小時初步發酵,然後放進冰箱冷藏(不要密封,在低溫中麵團還會繼續緩慢發酵,會有氣體產生)(也可以不冷藏直接接著做,但冰過的麵團比較好操作)(這麵團可冷藏 12天,第4天後請密封)。
  2. 要烤的時候:烤箱預熱 475F/246C,食材都備好之後再來處理麵團。
  3. 桌上灑點麵粉,麵團刮出來不用刻意壓扁排氣(如果要做成兩個,可以用廚房剪刀將麵團剪一半),迅速將表面往下收攏整成球形再擀開,如果不好擀開一直回彈就讓麵團蓋濕布休息10-15分鐘再擀,擀好的麵皮放在烘焙紙上,鋪上食材、推進烤箱烤 12-15分鐘。(如果沒有比薩鏟,就用烤盤送進烤箱也可以,或是用大砧板將比薩連同烘焙紙滑進烤箱,出爐時戴防熱手套抓烘焙紙將比薩拖出來)
  4. 出爐靜置 10分鐘讓起司稍微降溫再切。

No-Knead Pizza Dough (about 2 10-inch pizzas)
Adapted from The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day

  • all-purpose flour 345g
  • active dry yeast 4g
  • salt 6-9g
  • sugar 5-6g
  • warm water 236g
  • olive oil 21g

  1. Mix everything is a large food container. Cover loosely and let it rise at room temperature for 2 hours. Chill in the fridge and use within 12 days. (Fully cover it from day 4.) Or you can use it immediately after 2-hour rise, though it's easier to handle when chilled.
  2. On baking day: preheat oven at 475F/246C. Prepare toppings before handling dough.
  3. On a floured surface, scrape the dough out (you can cut the dough with kitchen scissors if only need half of it,) shape into a ball, let it rest for 10-15 minutes, and roll it out. Put the roll-out dough on a parchment paper, top, and send into oven, bake for 12-15 minutes. (If you don't have a pizza peel, a baking sheet can help, or use a large cutting board to slide the pizza into oven.)
  4. When done, let it sit for 10 minutes to set the cheese a bit before cutting.

