
廚房女神奈潔拉:優格圓蛋糕 Nigellissima: Yogurt Pot Cake

想做這顆蛋糕已經有一陣子了,為了它,冰箱裡總是囤著幾罐優格;也因為這樣,最近愛上原味優格加上 granola cereal(燕麥穀片,可以當早餐吃的那種),再淋上蜂蜜或是楓糖,是我運動過後、或是下午的優質點心。


This cake had been on my to-do list for a while. There are always a few cups of yogurt in my fridge just in case I need it at anytime. And thank to that, I fall in love with yogurt topped with granola cereal and swirled with honey or maple syrup.

Nigella made this recipe quite friendly: familiar daily ingredients, simple and straight-forward steps, and it seems a classic!

看過這份食譜之後,我第一個想到的是「唉呀,我沒有環狀蛋糕模 savarin」,在不久之後的某天走進二手商店,就看到這麼個環狀模在那兒,有點灰,但還是滿懷欣喜地把它帶回家洗淨。雖然奈潔拉說一般活動式圓模也可以,但我必須說,用環狀模做出來的樣子真是討喜的不得了!

The first thought came to my mind after reading this recipe is that "oops! no savarin pan," but not long after that, I brought one back from a thrift store. Nigella said it's ok to use a regular round pan, but I have to say, the ring shape makes it so so lovely!



To make this cake, the eggs need to be beaten separately. There's no baking soda or baking powder as leavening agents. The texture is not as soft and fluffy as sponge cake is, it's more on the dense side.

This is my first time baking with yogurt and I thought what yogurt does might be just like what butter does, affecting the texture and bringing some milky taste, and the tangy taste might be gone. To my surprise, this yogurt pot cake really tastes slightly yogurt. Besides eating plain, I guess it would be great smothered with butter, fruit preserves, cheese or other kind of spreads, or topped with a scoop of ice cream, even make it into french toast? (Well, this is so not Italy...)

因為是出版品,我就不將材料做法詳細列出了,不過在這個英國網站 The Happy Foodie上頭有奈潔拉詳實地說明。

噢,對了!在秤量材料時我就已經直覺糖量不算少,因此有自行減糖到原本的八成,烤出來覺得甜度剛剛好;還有我用的是希臘優格,比一般的優格還要濃稠,不確定是否影響到成品的濕潤度,下回改用一般優格試試;另外或許是我的烤箱溫度失準,多烤了 10分鐘才完成。

Since it's in a published book, I'm not listing the ingredients and directions in details here. But I noticed Nigella did post it on The Happy Foodie.

Oh, and I reduced the sugar by 20%, the result are just right. I used greek yogurt which is thicker than regular yogurt so it might have affected the moistness. I baked for 10 more minutes to get it done.

廚房女神奈潔拉 義式美味快速上桌 p.182


Yogurt Pot Cake
Nigellissima: Instant Italian Inspiration

Ingredients: plain yogurt, vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, lemon zest, all-purpose flour, cornstarch, confectioner's sugar.

