
伯爵奶茶吐司 Earl Grey Milk Tea Bread


Infuse tea leaves in scalded milk, let it cool and make into bread dough. My house smelt like an afternoon tea when the bread was baking.

部分做法參考自 Carol自在生活


  • 鮮奶 210克
  • 伯爵茶茶包 2個
  • 糖 30克(我用了白砂糖和黑糖各半,黑糖主要是中和小麥胚芽、麥麩可能帶來的苦味)
  • 老麵 100-120克
  • 高筋麵粉 292克(我將其中 20克左右換成小麥胚芽+麥麩,也可全用白麵粉)
  • 乾酵母 5克
  • 鹽 4克
  • 無鹽奶油 20-25克,室溫軟化

(直接法:鮮奶 250克、伯爵茶茶包 2個、糖 30克、高筋麵粉350克、乾酵母 6克、鹽 5克、無鹽奶油 20-25克。)


  1. 鮮奶用小鍋子在爐子上加熱到邊緣微微起泡、快要沸騰就熄火,剪開茶包、將茶葉倒入鮮奶中浸泡 3-5分鐘,再加入糖拌勻,放涼備用。
  2. 將奶油以外的所有材料、連同步驟 1的奶茶攪拌成團,再加入奶油,反覆揉成有彈性、表面光滑細緻的麵團,收圓放入大保鮮盒中,盒蓋輕輕蓋上,室溫發酵 1.5-2小時。
  3. 桌面撒些麵粉,將發酵完成的麵團取出,輕壓排掉氣泡,分成三等份分別滾圓,以濕布覆蓋休息15分鐘。
  4. 休息好的麵團分別搓成長條狀,長度約比烤模長 10公分;將三條麵團其中一頭收攏,輕輕編成辮子狀,尾端也捏合。
  5. 烤模內側塗上一層薄薄的奶油,將編好的麵團輕輕放入,若長度較長就將頭尾輕輕往下折收。
  6. 烤模放入烤箱中、旁邊放一杯熱水提高溫濕度,關上烤箱門做第二次發酵約 50-60分鐘到八分滿。
  7. 將烤模取出,烤箱預熱 350F/176C,預熱完成後將烤模放入,不帶蓋烘烤 30-35分鐘。出爐後脫模,在架子上完全放涼再切片。(若吐司稍有粘黏烤模,稍等5-10分鐘內壁產生水蒸氣,麵包就會自然脫出,再輕輕抖幾下就可以脫模了。)

Earl Grey Milk Tea Bread (9-inch loaf)
Inspired by Carol Easy Life


  • milk 210g
  • Earl Grey tea bags 2
  • sugar 30g (I used half white and half brown, to eliminate the possible bitterness from wheat germ or wheat bran.)
  • pâte fermentée (old dough) 100-120g
  • bread flour 292g (I substituted 20g with wheat germ + wheat bran. Can also use all white flour.)
  • active dry yeast 5g
  • salt 4g
  • butter 20-25g, softened

(Direct method: milk 250g, tea bags 2, sugar 30g, bread flour 350g, yeast 6g, salt 5g, butter 20-25g.)

  1. On a stovetop, scald milk in a small pot, remove from heat. Cut tea bags open and add tea leaves into the milk. After infusing for 3-5 minutes, add sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved. Let it cool.
  2. Mix everything except for butter together to form a dough. Add butter, and knead until elastic and smooth. Put the dough in a mixing bowl or food container, cover loosely and let it rise at room temperature for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
  3. On a floured surface, scrape the dough out and punch down. Divide into 3 and shape into rolls, cover with damp cloth and let the doughs rest for 15 minutes.
  4. Shape each dough into strip about 4 inches longer than loaf pan. Braid the dough gently.
  5. Lightly grease the pan, put the braided dough in.
  6. Put the pan with dough into the oven, leave a mug of hot water next to it and shut the oven door to let the dough rise for 50-60 minutes until 80% full.
  7. Take the pan out, preheat the oven at 350F/176C. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Let the bread cool out of pan completely before slicing. (If the bread sticks to the pan, let it sit for 5-10 minutes and it will steam itself out.)

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