
英式瑪芬麵包 English Muffins (Frances Quinn's Recipe)

我非常愛英式瑪芬麵包,之前試過兩種配方,初步明白了那些美味口感的來源--坑坑洞洞的秘密在於含水量超高近乎 100%的糊狀麵團。這場自製英式瑪芬的摸索之旅還會繼續,我心裡已有個不同想法,下回可以嘗試。

English muffins have been one of my favorite breads. I had tried 2 different recipes before and understood that the secret of nooks and crannies lies in a almost 100%-hydration batter-like dough. This journey will be continued as I already have a new idea to try next time.

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免揉比薩麵團 No-Knead Pizza Dough


Measure and mix all the ingredients after dinner, leave it on the counter, and put it into fridge before bed. The next day you'll have a beautiful pizza dough. You can make it classic, copy your favorite pizzeria, or top with whatever appeals to you. Pizza is something you can easily make and everyone in the house will love.

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檸檬杏仁餅乾 Lemon Almond Cookies


Easy roll rookies, I guess it would also be scrumptious if you replace the lemon with orange.

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私房番茄肉醬 Tomato Sauce (my way)



Well... it's kinda embarrassing to post this. But after all this blog is mostly my cooking records, I have to type it and post it, the first time having satisfying result using canned tomatoes.

Everyone has their own recipe, this is my version, a light tomato meat sauce.

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伯爵奶茶吐司 Earl Grey Milk Tea Bread


Infuse tea leaves in scalded milk, let it cool and make into bread dough. My house smelt like an afternoon tea when the bread was baking.

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廚房女神奈潔拉:義大利式大盤烤 Nigellissima: Italian Traybake


Put everything in a baking pan, sprinkle and drizzle with condiments, send it into a preheated oven. Then next, all you need to do is just waiting for the timer to go off, set the table, and be ready to enjoy. Such an easy and elegant way to cook a hearty meal, it must be a keeper!

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廚房女神奈潔拉:優格圓蛋糕 Nigellissima: Yogurt Pot Cake

想做這顆蛋糕已經有一陣子了,為了它,冰箱裡總是囤著幾罐優格;也因為這樣,最近愛上原味優格加上 granola cereal(燕麥穀片,可以當早餐吃的那種),再淋上蜂蜜或是楓糖,是我運動過後、或是下午的優質點心。


This cake had been on my to-do list for a while. There are always a few cups of yogurt in my fridge just in case I need it at anytime. And thank to that, I fall in love with yogurt topped with granola cereal and swirled with honey or maple syrup.

Nigella made this recipe quite friendly: familiar daily ingredients, simple and straight-forward steps, and it seems a classic!

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