
吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司 Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf

Loaf #2 | 第二條:
2nd Try: Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf | 二試:吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司
Loaf #3 | 第三條:
3rd Try: Pao Chun Wu's Gold Medal Milk Loaf | 三戰:吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司

Pao Chun Wu is the champion of Master Bakers, the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie (the World Cup of Baking) in 2010. Inspired by his work, I had made fermented rice longan bread. He's generous with his recipes. I've seen this milk loaf made by numerous home-bakers and it seems that everyone who has tasted it is raving about it.

The original recipe uses bread flour, but I always use all-purpose kind. That may be the main reason why my loaf is not as delicate and elastic as it should be. Maybe someday I'll get some bread flour and give it another try. This loaf made with all-purpose flour tastes great enough anyway.

吳寶春是 2010世界麵包大賽大師賽(個人賽)的冠軍 ,受到他的作品啟發,我曾經做過這款甜酒釀桂圓麵包。吳寶春師傅對於分享他的配方相當大方慷慨,我也在網路上看過無數的家庭烘焙做了這款金牌牛奶吐司,而且似乎吃過的都說讚,人人津津樂道。


Look how soft it is! | 吐司軟到會下腰

There's also one thing to consider: Master Wu emphasizes on the fermenting temperature. He says 26-28C/78-82F is the best. So in this recipe there's no need to use warm water or warm milk, cold liquid is fine. And this is a high-hydration dough, it will be easier to handle it when it's cool.

還有一點要注意的是:吳寶春師傅很強調發酵的溫度控制,他認為 26-28C是最適當的,因此這份食譜不需要使用溫水或溫牛奶,冷的就好了。而且這個麵團含水量很高,溫度低一點也比較好操作,比較不會那麼黏手。

The original recipe (Pullman loaves)
water 450 g, milk 230 g, yeast 10 g, salt 18 g, sugar 80 g, bread flour 1000 g, butter 50 g
Bake at 390F for 40 minutes.

水 450 克、牛奶 230 克、酵母 10 克、鹽 18 克、糖 80 克、高筋麵粉 1000 克、奶油 50 克
390F/200C 烤 40分鐘

Gold Medal Milk Loaf (9x4)
Adapted for my loaf pan.

  • water 167 g
  • milk 85 g
  • yeast 4 g
  • salt 7 g
  • sugar 30 g
  • flour 370 g (original recipe calls for bread flour; here I used all-purpose flour.)
  • butter 19 g

  1. Mix everything except for the butter to form a dough. Knead the dough and gradually add the butter.
  2. When the dough is well kneaded, cover and let it rise for 1 hour.
  3. Scrape the dough out. Punch down and divide into 2. Roll each dough out, flip, then gently roll up. Cover with damp cloth or plastic wrap, let them rest for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Roll the doughs out again, flip, then gently roll up. (Through rolling out and up for 2 times, the crumb will be more delicate.)
  5. Put the doughs into a prepared loaf pan (lightly greased if needed.) Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise until almost full.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 350F for 30 minutes.
  7. Cool on a rack.


  • 水 167 克
  • 牛奶 85 克
  • 乾酵母 4 克
  • 鹽 7 克
  • 糖 30 克
  • 麵粉 370 克(原版食譜是高筋麵粉,我這次用的是中筋麵粉)
  • 奶油 19克

  1. 將所有材料混合(奶油除外)均勻成團,搓揉過程中再慢慢加入奶油。
  2. 麵團揉到光滑有彈性後,加蓋第一次發酵 1小時。
  3. 將麵團刮出,輕壓排氣並分成兩份。將麵團擀開、翻面、輕輕捲起。以濕布或保鮮膜覆蓋,讓麵團休息 15-20分鐘。
  4. 再次將麵團擀開、翻面、輕輕捲起。(經過兩次擀開、捲起,吐司內部組織會比較細緻綿密。)
  5. 將麵團卷放入烤盤(若有需要防粘黏就刷上一層奶油。)以保鮮膜覆蓋,二次發酵直到將近滿模。
  6. 送入已預熱 350F/180C的烤箱烘烤 30分鐘。
  7. 放涼再切片。

Perhaps I let it rise too much. | 也許二發有點過頭了

