
全麥鮮奶饅頭 Whole Wheat Milk Steamed Bread

In most traditional Chinese Kitchen there's no oven. Instead of baking, people steam bread.

This summer we were in Taiwan with our family. I had this baking and kneading craving and found that baked bread and these steamed bread are basically very alike in ingredients. So I gave it a try for the first time in my life, I made some sweet potato steamed bread.

And here I made the 2nd and the 3rd batches. The 2nd was a failure, my bread was under steamed. I should have begun the timer from boiling, not from turning on the burner.

I made adjustments from Carol's recipes. Also I didn't use a sponge starter. This time my result is just okay. It is delicious but hope someday I could make shiny, smooth steamed bread.




這是由 Carol的食譜修改的,我也沒有用老麵或中種,而是直接製作。這次的成果還算可以,饅頭的味道是好吃的,但希望來日我可以做出光滑閃亮的饅頭呀!

Whole Wheat Milk Steamed Bread (8-9 pieces.)


  • milk 220 ml, warm, about 110F
  • active dry yeast 1 1/4 teaspoons
  • sugar 20 g
  • salt slightly more than 1/4 t
  • all-purpose flour 240 g
  • whole wheat flour 120 g


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk and let it sit for a few minutes.
  2. Add in all other ingredients and mix to form a dough. Knead until smooth.
  3. Cover and let it rise for 2 hours.
  4. Punch down. Roll out into a rectangular, about 1/8 inch thick.
  5. Roll up the dough tightly lengthwise. Cut of each end and cut the rest into 3 1/8 inches chunks using a sharp knife.
  6. Put each dough on small pieces of parchment paper. Put dough in the steamer properly spaced. (If using a metal steamer, line it with cheesecloth so the bread won't get soaked. Here I used my baby's muslin cotton handkerchieves.)
  7. Heat the water until warm and turn off the burner. Leave the dough on top of it, cover with lid and let it rise for about 40 minutes. (I switched the tiers halfway for even rising.)
  8. When the dough is ready (looks puffy and very soft, ) heat on medium. When the water boils, time for 15 minutes. (If heat on high, the bread will wrinkle more.)
  9. Tilt the lid a little in the last 5 minutes. When time is up, tilt each tier slightly to leave small gaps, and turn off the burner. Leave the steamer like this for about 10 minutes.
  10. Remove the steamer from steamer bottom pot. Let it rest for 3-5 minutes before slowly open the lid. (By doing so, we can prevent the steamed bread from wrinkling due to dramatic temperature changes.)



  • 鮮奶 220 ml, 加熱到溫溫的大約 40度C
  • 乾酵母粉 1 1/4 小匙
  • 砂糖 20 克
  • 鹽 比 1/4 小匙略多一點點
  • 中筋麵粉 240 克
  • 全麥麵粉 120 克


  1. 將酵母溶解在溫牛奶中,靜置幾分鐘。
  2. 加入其他所有材料攪拌成團,搓揉到光滑。
  3. 加蓋靜置 2小時發酵。
  4. 將發酵後的麵團刮出,輕壓排氣,擀成薄薄的長方形。
  5. 由長邊緊密捲起,將兩端不整齊的地方切掉,其他的切成 8公分段。
  6. 每個麵團底下墊烘焙紙,間隔適當放入蒸籠。(如果用金屬蒸籠,最好鋪上一層布以免饅頭被浸濕。我用兒子的紗布巾。)
  7. 蒸鍋裡的水加熱到溫溫的,蒸籠放上去加蓋發酵約 40分鐘。(我中途有上下調換兩層蒸籠。)
  8. 饅頭二次發酵好了之後(很蓬鬆柔軟的樣子),開火以中大火加熱,水滾後計時 15分鐘。(我家的是線圈電爐,火力比較弱所以用中大火,一般瓦斯爐用中火。)(下次應該要試試看用中小火蒸,根據周老師實驗小火比較不會皺。)
  9. 最後 5分鐘將蓋子打開一個縫,時間到關火,每層蒸籠都稍稍傾斜留下小縫,放 10分鐘左右。
  10. 將蒸籠整個移開蒸鍋,靜置 3-5分鐘再慢慢開蓋(冷熱急劇變化之下,饅頭會皺皮。)

Before 1st rise. | 一次發酵之前。

Roll out the dough. | 耐心慢慢擀開。

Roll it up tightly. | 緊密捲起。

Cut into chunks. | 切成段。

Before 2nd rise. | 二次發酵前。

After 2nd rise. | 二次發酵後。

They taste nice. But could be more beautiful!

