
比薩捲, 花生醬巧克力捲, 蜂蜜栗子捲 Pizza, PB + Chocolate, Honey Chestnut Rolls

When I want to buy something, most of the time I want to make sure I'll use it often. If it's multi-use, the better! Before buying a muffin pan, I asked in Bread Making group for other uses other than cupcakes. Bakers told me almost all kinds of bread can be baked in a muffin pan!

My husband needs some light lunch during his school days. It's been sandwiches, sandwiches, and sandwiches for the past 2 months. So I planned on making these bread rolls with different fillings. It's even easier to eat them than sandwiches! And I already got some more ideas of other flavors!



Bread Rolls (12 pcs, regular muffin pan size)
  • milk 150 ml, 100-110F
  • active dry yeast 3 g
  • sugar 25 g
  • salt 2 g
  • all-purpose flour 250 g (I use 80 g whole wheat, 170 g all-purpose.)
  • butter 30g, softened

  1. Sprinkle yeast in milk. Let it sit for 5 mins, until it foams on top.
  2. Add sugar, salt, flour into yeast mixture and mix well to form a dough.
  3. Knead the dough until smooth. While kneading the dough, gradually add the butter and keep kneading until well combined. Place in a big food container and cover, let it rise (I left it on the table and it's cool, so it took 3 hrs to rise.)
  4. Scrap the dough out, punch down and fold for a few times. Divide it into 3. 
  5. Roll out each dough and spread fillings over it. Roll up and cut each into 4 pieces. (Pizza rolls: ketchup, pepperoni, mozzarella, and a few turns of Italian herbs from grinder. PB + Chocolate rolls: peanut butter and milk chocolate morsels. Honey chestnut: Smash roasted chestnut with a fork, then mix with some honey.)
  6. Place the rolls in a regular muffin pan. Put into a warm oven to rise until almost full.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 350F for 20mins.

  • 牛奶 150 ml, 微溫
  • 乾酵母粉 3 克
  • 糖 25 克
  • 鹽 2 克
  • 中筋麵粉 250 克(我用 80克全麥和 170克中筋)
  • 奶油 30 克,室溫軟化

  1. 乾酵母粉加入牛奶,靜置 5分鐘。
  2. 加入糖、鹽、麵粉,攪拌成團。
  3. 將麵團揉到光滑,揉的同時慢慢加入奶油。將揉好的麵團放入大保鮮盒中,蓋子蓋上進行第一次發酵。(我放在餐桌上,天氣比較涼,第一次發酵花了3小時。)
  4. 將麵團刮出,輕壓排氣並稍微揉折幾下。分成三等份。
  5. 將每個麵團擀開,鋪上餡料後捲起,各切成4等份。(比薩捲:番茄醬、義大利香腸片、馬芝拉 起司、義大利綜合香料。花生醬巧克力捲:花生醬、烘焙用牛奶巧克力豆。蜂蜜栗子捲:現成的烤栗子用叉子壓碎,拌入適量蜂蜜。)
  6. 將麵包捲放入馬芬烤盤,放在微溫的烤箱中第二次發酵直到幾乎滿模。(烤箱電源打開一分鐘後關掉)
  7. 烤箱預熱 350F/180C,烤 20分鐘。

before 1st rise | 一次發酵之前

after 1st rise | 一次發酵之後

It's actually snacks. Ready to use in baking, isn't it nice? | 打開即食的栗子零嘴

PB + chocolate morsels. | 花生醬和巧克力

pizza roll | 比薩捲

before 2nd rise | 二次發酵前

after 2nd rise | 二次發酵後

