
半熟蜂蜜凹蛋糕 Japanese Honey Sponge Lava Cake

This honey lava cake (半熟カステラ; 半熟 Castella) has been popular in Taiwan for a while. I saw people waiting in a long line just to get one during our summer trip there. Had never tried it before but guess it would be awesome with simple ingredients. My favorite baking blogger Carol posted this recipe and I tried making it today. (Here's the recipe in Chinese: Carol Easy Life.)

I don't have a 6" round cake pan but the inner pot of my rice cooker is just right 6" though it is deeper. I baked this cake in it with parchment paper lined. The top is not so browned but still the taste is good.

半熟蜂蜜凹蛋糕(半熟カステラ; 半熟 Castella)在台灣流行一陣子了,今年夏天回去時到處都可以看到長長的排隊人龍在等著要買。之前從沒吃過這種蛋糕,但看它的成分我想那會是種單純的美味。大家都喜歡的烘焙部落客 Carol幾個月前推出了這款食譜,今天我試做了一下。(以下只列出英文版食譜及做法,中文原版請到 Carol 自在生活:半熟蜂蜜蛋糕(凹蛋糕)

我沒有 6吋圓模,但有個大同電鍋的內鍋剛好直徑 6吋,雖然它比較深,但我在裡面鋪了烘焙紙就照樣拿來烤蛋糕用。烤出來表面沒有那麼漂亮的焦糖色,但味道還是很棒。

Japanese Honey Sponge Lava Cake (半熟カステラ; 半熟 Castella) 6"

  • egg 1
  • egg yolk 3
  • granulated sugar 30 g
  • honey 15 g
  • cake flour 20 g, sifted (I use all-purpose flour 17 g + cornstarch 3 g, sift together for 3-4 times.)
  • vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon


  1. Measure and prepare all the ingredients. Line a 6-inch round baking pan with parchment paper. Fill a large pot with warm water (about 125F) to half way full. Preheat oven to 340F.
  2. Beat egg, egg yolks, sugar, and honey in a mixing bowl on low until well combined.
  3. Put the mixing bowl into the large pot with warm water and beat on high until the mixture is pale, fluffy, and ribbons.
  4. Drip vanilla extract, mix well.
  5. Gently fold in half the flour until just combined. Fold in remaining flour.
  6. Pour the batter into prepared pan. Bake at 340F for 16-20 mins (depends on how much you like the cake baked.) (According to Carol, if bake for 16 mins the center of the cake will be runny. 20 mins will be gooey, and 25 mins fully baked.)
  7. Let the cake cool out of the pan on a rack. (The center will sink when cool.) Tear off the paper when cool. (With the paper on it looks nice and can be given away as a gift.)

I baked at 340F for 18mins but the top was still pale and cake wobbled. So I baked for 5 more mins. (I think this browning issue is because of the different depth of the pans.)

我用 340F/170C 烤了 18分鐘,但表面仍然未上色,而且蛋糕體看起來還會晃動沒有定型,所以又多烤了 5分鐘。這應該是因為我用大同電鍋的內鍋烤,烤模深度不同的關係。

3 grams of cornstarch, than all-purpose flour.

Get all the ingredients ready. | 材料都先備齊。

Beat the egg mixture with mixing bowl in warm water.

Beat until it ribbons. | 打發至蛋液滴落有明顯皺摺。

Vanilla extract. | 加入香草精。

Gently fold in flour. | 輕輕拌入麵粉。

Pour into prepared pan.  | 倒入烤模中。

Freshly baked cake. | 剛出爐。

It will sink when cool. The shorter you bake it, the more it will sink.

So fluffy, so light. | 鬆軟輕巧

6" is just so small that we gobbled it up so quickly...

Gooey honey lava. | 黏黏的蜂蜜漿。

It tastes so wonderful with a cup of unsweetened hot tea.

