
葡萄乾核桃麵包(液種/法式中種)Walnut Raisin Bread (with Poolish)

Recently I made this bread again using a serrated bread knife to slash. Works wonderful!


After studying "baker's percentage" I created this recipe on my own. At the same time I tried poolish, a french style pre-ferments, a starter. According to this article on Weekend Bakery, bread made with a starter has better flavor and texture, also keeps better. I guess you can start with a starter using any recipe as long as you do the math correctly.

This self-designed recipe is by far the most satisfying.

在研究了一番「烘焙百分比」之後,我自行設計了這份食譜;同時也是第一次嘗試使用液種/法式中種來製作麵包。根據 Weekend Bakery上的這篇文章,使用這種預先發酵麵種的方式製作出來的麵包在風味和口感上都比較好,也比較不會那麼容易老化(自己做的麵包老得快,不像市售的有各種添加物去保持可口美味)。我想應該任何麵包食譜都可以使用這種方式製作,只要事前把材料比例做正確的計算就不會有問題。


Walnut Raisin Bread (with Poolish, 30% whole wheat)


For Poolish

  • water 120-130 ml, 100-110F
  • yeast 2 g
  • all purpose flour 120 g

Main dough

  • all-purpose flour 10 g
  • whole wheat flour 70 g
  • salt 4 g
  • vegetable oil 2 g
  • walnut + raisin 50 g


  1. Sprinkle and dissolve yeast into warm water. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes until it foams a little on top. 
  2. Mix in flour 120 g to make a very wet, gooey dough. Cover and let it sit at room temperature until bubbles form all over the surface. I let it sit for about 5 hrs. 
  3. When the poolish is ready, add in remaining flour, salt, oil, and mix well until smooth. I didn't want to knead it with hands cuz it's sticky, so I just used my bamboo spoon to kinda turn and fold and push the dough in mixing bowl (it's a big Rubbermaid food container actually.) 
  4. Fold in walnuts and raisins. Cover and let it rise at a warm place until doubled or won't spring back when being poked. 1.5 hrs. 
  5. Scrap the dough onto a floured countertop, punch down and knead a little. Shape, and put it on a baking sheet. Cover and let it rise again. 1-1.5hrs. (It won't grow as big as it did during 1st rise.) 
  6. Preheat oven to 400F. Dust lightly and slash as you like. Bake at 400F for 23 minutes.



  • 溫水 120-130 ml, 100-110F(約 40C)
  • 乾酵母 2 g
  • 中筋麵粉 120 g

  • 中筋麵粉 10 g
  • 全麥麵粉 70 g
  • 鹽 4 g
  • 植物油 2 g
  • 葡萄乾+核桃 共 50 g


  1. 酵母粉溶於溫水中,靜置 5-10分鐘。 
  2. 加入麵粉 120 g,用木匙或筷子攪拌成一個很濕黏的麵團。加蓋密封靜置,直到表面覆滿大大小小的氣泡,時間長度視環境而定,這次我放了 5小時。 
  3. 液種完成之後,加入剩餘的麵粉、鹽、植物油,攪拌均勻成團直到光滑。因為麵團比較濕黏,這次我不用手揉,只是用我的竹匙直接在盆中翻折麵團。 
  4. 加入葡萄乾和核桃,加蓋並置於溫暖處進行第一次發酵,直到體積變大為兩倍或是手指沾麵粉戳了不會回彈,約 1.5小時。 
  5. 將麵團刮出到撒了麵粉的檯面,輕壓排氣並稍微揉幾下。依自己喜好整形,放上烤盤,以濕布覆蓋,置於溫暖處進行第二次發酵約 1-1.5小時。(麵團不會像第一次發酵那樣長大很多。) 
  6. 預熱烤箱 400F (205C)。輕輕篩上一層薄麵粉,在麵團表面依自己喜好割劃線條。放入烤箱烤 40分鐘。 

Poolish, before rise | 液種,發酵前

Poolish, after rise | 液種,發酵完成

main dough, before rise | 主麵團,發酵前

before 2nd rise | 第二次發酵前

after 2nd rise | 第二次發酵完成

dust and slash | 輕篩上薄麵粉,劃線

Walnut Raisin Bread, freshly baked | 新鮮出爐的葡萄乾核桃麵包

Can also be shaped into rolls. Reduce baking time. This one is actually made from a recipe from Cecillia.
也可以做成小圓麵包,烘焙時間要縮短。小圓麵包這次是使用 Cecillia優雅過生活的食譜。

