
有鹽奶油盲測比較 Salted Butter Taste Test


It's been nearly 2 years since I last posted anything here. The reason of this hiatus seems to be having my 2nd baby after the last article. But really it's because I found the recipe organizing app: Paprika. It works so wonderful that it almost meets my every purpose of keeping this blog: recipe organizing, cooking and baking records and notes.

It's my first time doing a taste test. I think it's worth blogging. As memories will fade, and internet will last (hopefully!)

距離上次更新部落格已經將近兩年了,時間似乎停在二寶的出生,但其實真正的原因是我發現好好用的食譜整理 app: Paprika. 這個 app 對我來說實在太好用了,幾乎取代我開這個部落格的所有目的:整理食譜、烹飪與烘焙的紀錄。
