
免揉鹽麴麵包 No-Knead Shio Koji Bread

It is said that shio koji is rather healthy, good for digestive system and skin. It's less salty than salt, but will bring a more complex flavor, a "umami" taste. To me, it's kind of like miso.

Shio koji can be used in almost any food in place of salt. It can be used to marinate, too.



No-Knead Shio Koji Bread

  • all-purpose flour 230 g
  • active dry yeast 3 g
  • warm water 160 g 
  • shio koji 23 g

(Next time I'll try using water 165 g, shio koji 10 g.)

  1. Mix everything together and until smooth.
  2. Cover and let it rise at room temperature for 2 hours.
  3. Put it into the fridge for up to 7 days.
  4. Before baking, take out the dough and fold it for a few times to form a ball. Leave the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, loosely cover with plastic wrap. Let it proof for 45-60 minutes.
  5. Preheat the oven at 400F/200C. Dust and slash. Bake for 23-25 minutes.


  • 中筋麵粉 230 克
  • 乾酵母 3 克
  • 溫水 160 克
  • 鹽麴 23 克

(下次我會試試溫水 165 克、鹽麴 10 克。)

  1. 所有材料混合,攪拌至均勻。
  2. 加蓋,室溫發酵 2小時。
  3. 放入冷藏,7天內用掉。
  4. 烘烤之前,將麵團取出,迅速但輕柔的整成圓球形,放在鋪了烘焙紙的烤盤上,以保鮮膜覆蓋,二次發酵 45-60分鐘。
  5. 烤箱預熱 400F/200C。麵團撒粉、劃線,烘烤 23-25分鐘。

